44 || Getting Help

321 22 14



I had left one of the window seat windows open for the breeze to come into the house. The balmy summer air wafted the smell of chocolate chip cookies around the kitchen and Tubbo hummed to himself as he baked. He was making them for Michael even though Tommy had been taking bits of the dough the whole time. 

What I didn't expect when I opened the window was for the butterflies to leave their flowers on the window boxes. Instead, they floated inside and landed on Tommy. He waves off another with a huff. 

"Why the fuck are these pricks landing on me?!" I can't help but laugh as a blue butterfly settles in his hair. 

"You don't know?" Tubbo shuts the oven and hangs the dishtowel on his shoulder. 

"What?" Tommy asks. 

"Butterflies eat corpses." I scrunch up my nose. I suppose it makes sense even if Tommy has been revived. Perhaps their attraction to death had less to do with the corpse and more with the slow energy of the person who once inhabited it. 

"Gross, really?" I remark instead of revealing my thoughts, Tubbo nods. Tommy groans and holds his head in his hands. 

"Great, I'll never have any peace now that I'm a fucking bug magnet," Tubbo and I can't help but laugh again. I reach out a finger and pick up an orange butterfly that rested on his back. Tubbo and Tommy bicker as I watch the butterfly. Its wings slowly open and close revealing their bold orange colour and black stripes that fame it. 

Chatter from outside wafts through the window. 

"Ranboo and Dream are back!" I say and hop off my seat at the kitchen bench as the door opens and shuts. Ranboo basically runs into the room and hugs me excitedly. 

"Lorelei and Myles are nearly here!" Ranboo has energy to spare, I found it infectious as I gripped his hands. 

"Really?!" I say excitedly. Dream chuckles at our antics and presses a quick peck, lifting his mask halfway up his face, on my cheek as a hello before leaving us to our excitement. As Ranboo and I chatter excitedly, Dream sits at the bench one seat away from Tommy. 

Tommy deliberately avoids eye contact and stares at a butterfly that had settled on his arm. Dream takes off his mask fully and sets it on the table. He smiles gently at Tommy who gives him a half-smile back but looks away again. I meet Tubbo's eyes briefly and we share a content look. It was progress. 

Shouting from out the front of the house makes me and Ranboo freeze. We slowly look at each other, grins slipping our faces, and then at the window. Breaking through the treeline of the forest we can see Lorelei and Myles' caravan pulled happily by Angus. 

I let out a strange squeak and bolt for the door with Ranboo hot on my heels. I stop at the steps of the verandah with my hands over my racing heart. 

Lorelei rides on Angus' back holding a wildly waving Michael in her arms. Behind them, Myles and Puffy wave from the driver's seat whilst Niki sticks her head out of one of the caravan windows.

"Y/N! Boo!" Michael shouts with glee. Tubbo's footsteps halt beside me as the Angus pulls to a stop a few metres from the house. Tubbo dashes forward as Lorelei climbs down from Angus and sets Michael down on the ground. Michael sprints for Tubbo and leaps into his arms. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now