35 || Stories From Another Life

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I edited lazily, if you see any mistakes point them out and I'll fix them in the next update or so <3 I appreciate it :D


Time seems to have left me as I stare at Dream's sweet sleeping face. I've woken up before him and have since simply been smiling and running a gentle hand through his hair. He was exhausted, there was no doubt about that. 

Yesterday, we had stayed in the flower field all afternoon and well into the night. My memory of it was a messy, emotional blur but I distinctly remember laying together and watching the clouds. Dream refused to let go of my hand, I'm sure he was worried that I would leave if he wasn't holding onto me. He never let me out of his sight and it took a lot of convincing for him to let go of my hand so I could put Carl away. 

I changed out of my dress and into my favourite brown plaid sweats and a black tank top. Dream took off his hoodie leaving him in his black tank top and his black pants. 

Dream watched me as I took my flowers from my bag and put them in a jar on my messy desk and set Wilbur's guitar in its place in the corner. We didn't say much, both of our voices were destroyed from all of our crying. 

I remember how Dream kissed me before I'd forced him to go to sleep. It was almost like the kiss pained him, and I realised he was so afraid that he was imagining everything. 

I made him lie down on the bed, and before I had even properly gotten under the covers he pulled me to his chest like a teddy bear. I rolled over and faced him and saw how open his eyes were. I asked him to close them and he said that he didn't want to stop looking at me. 

Watching him like this, was painful. I remember his strength and now it seems to have dissipated. Destroyed by pure, unrelenting fear of being left alone again. 

I promised him I'd be there when he woke up. It took a lot of convincing but he eventually closed his eyes. Almost as soon as he had shut them, I felt his arms loosen and his body relax into sleep. He truly was exhausted, in every way possible. no doubt hungry too but I didn't want to risk going into the kitchen whilst Ranboo was in the house.  

I smile as he scrunches up his face and takes a long breath as he starts to wake up. 

He opens his eyes and sees me but instead of seeing him smile, he looks like he's about to cry. I frown and rest my hand that was in his hair on his neck instead. 

"I'm still asleep, you're not real" he shakes his head and I feel my heart break a little. 

"No Dream, you're not asleep. You're awake and I'm here," I give him a shake and shuffle in closer so that our noses are almost touching, but he's not convinced. 

"Prove it," his voice sets forth a challenge but I hear that his heart isn't in his request. 

"When you were gone, I dreamt of you too. I wouldn't believe it if it was me either," I whisper. Dream's eyes grow glassy and he leans in kissing me. He keeps his eyes closed as he pulls away. 

"Did that feel real?" I ask him and my smile returns as he nods looking relieved. 

My relief is short-lived as I hear floorboards creak across the hallway. Dream tenses and pulls me protectively closer to his chest as the floorboards groan and a door opens and shuts. I hear Ranboo's speedy footsteps head down the stairs and out the front door. 

"Who was that?" Dream's voice betrays him with a slight quiver. I'd never seen him so anxious before, it was like he was convinced the world was built to take me away from him. I pull out of the embrace so I can look him in the eye. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now