57 || Nostalgia

172 13 5


Cover image by elle on Pinterest <3 You'll know what the image is for when you get there >:)


I weave my fingers gently through my hair, twisting parts together to create a woven whole. The braids were far from intricate, just good enough to keep my hair out of my face. My reflection stares back at me in the mirror that leans against the wall in my room. I sit on the edge of my bed, no light slipped through my window, it was still far too early in the morning for that. I never thought I'd see myself in these braids again. 

I never pictured myself going to war again either. After we escaped the city and found Lorelei and Myles, the only thing on my mind was our safety. War seemed like a faraway concept, beyond the reality I lived in. War was something I didn't think about, not until I returned to the SMP with Dream. Not until Tommy was killed. 

That day, a part of me broke. Seeing Tommy covered in blood, mangled and broken broke something inside of me. I changed. But of course, I've changed a lot every day for the past year. I had learnt so much more, grown so much more, taken on more weight than I thought was possible to carry. 

Today I've changed a lot of things in preparation for the battle. Countless high concentration potions sit in tiny vials on my belt making a strange sort of rainbow-looking accessory. A small pouch on my belt reminded me of the new tactic I had come up with last night. I hadn't tested this before, but if it worked it would be brilliant. 

The worst part about war, at least to me, is not being able to say goodbye to everybody before the battle. Going on missions was different, you didn't worry as much about not returning home. But for something like this all I want is to see my friends and hug them, because it could be the last time I see their faces. Another vice of battles like this was that we had so many duties to carry out beforehand it would be a miracle if you saw anybody at all. 

There is only one thing I plan to do before I go to L'Manbrug. 

A knock on the door sounds just as I finish twisting my braids into a bun at the back of my head. Dream opens the door with a distracted look on his face. I give him a half-smile understanding of how he feels. A lot weighed on us today. Dream enters the room and kneels in front of me on the wooden floorboards. I had been meaning to buy a rug, that would have to wait for a while. 

"I don't want to lose anybody," my morning voice is hoarse. Dream slips my hands into his and I feel myself melt at his touch. 

"Nobody does," he says. 

"Are Drista and Tommy ready?" Drista had come home late last night, I didn't even notice her arrive. But I saw her earlier when we ate a quiet and solemn breakfast. 

"They've already left, bickering with butterflies right on their tails," I can't help but chuckle at the way Dream paints the scene. I can see it perfectly. 

"I need to do something before the fight, I'll meet you in L'Manburg," Dream's grip on my hands stiffens. The last thing he wanted was for me to be on my own today, but I know he knows it is inevitable. 

"Be careful," his tone hides something child-like. I press a kiss to his lips and help him off the floor. 

"I always am."

We leave the house, taking to different directions when we reach the woods. I hadn't ridden through these trees in so long, but I could tell Percy found it all too familiar. He snorts happily as we weave between trunks of trees, birds whistling on most branches. It looked much sweeter than it felt. With every inch we gained I felt my skin prickle with anticipation. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now