56 || You Are My Everything

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This is a pretty chunky chapter y'all, be prepared. 


I sink to my seat and the room falls into chatter. Just when we thought we could slip under Schlatt's nose he pulls out another surprise. The army is coming, they'll be here tomorrow, how the fuck are we going to be ready for that? Dream sits in his seat next to me still holding my hand and trying to get me to focus. I look at him trying to pay attention to his words but they go in one ear and out the other. 


Techno's voice drags me back into the room. Everybody stares at him for a moment but then he turns to me. Like sheep and their shepherd, their eyes drag from Techno to me. They all want an answer, a plan, a way to keep everybody safe and alive. I'm a descendant of the gods, I can do this. 

Dream keeps hold of my hand as I force my wobbly knees to straighten until I'm standing. I don't have time to be weak, not when my friends need me to be strong. 

"Tubbo, Jack, you're both dismissed from the meeting. Finish those nukes, I'll send you letters soon," they both nod and head for the door. Before he disappears, Tubbo looks back at me with a worried expression but I have no comfort to offer now. This was bad, and I'm not prepared to cushion the truth with sweet words. 

"Drista," Dream looks to his sister who had perked up from where she was lounging in her chair. Her eyes held a simmering distaste and I knew she had yet to cool down from her hushed argument with Dream this morning.

"Evacuate the SMP, and take a team of soldiers to the southeast town near the mountains. We have allies there who will distribute everybody as they see fit," Dream's words are final. Reluctantly, Drista nods and strides out of the room pulling up her mask. 

"We need a letter sent to Fundy and Quackity for logistics. Generals need to bring their forces to L'Manburg so Lian and Tai Shu can give them proper orders. This battle has to be fought on home turf if we are to have the advantage-"

"Already written," I look to Ranboo who was tying a letter around a crow's ankle. I smile gratefully at him and he smiles back. 

"Phil, can you send out more crows to monitor the armies? I need information on everything. Weapons, supplies, numbers, forces, anything you can get your hands on."

Phil nods and then turns to the crow on his shoulder whispering to it. Their conversation is short and soon the room is a cacophony of caws, flaps, and feathers as the crows make their beelines to the window. He strides out of the room with Techno, ready to get to work leaving Ranboo, Dream, Tommy and I alone. 

"What do we do about the boys?" Tommy asks. Ranboo and I share a look knowing that there is only one way we can keep them both safe. 

"They're in Snowchester right now with Puffy and Niki. I think we should call Lorelei and Myles, they'll get them somewhere safe and far away from any fighting," Ranboo says. I feel a sigh heave in my chest, it was the last thing anybody wanted. Tommy fiddles with the sleeves of his cardigan and puffs his whist streak off his face. 

"Is that really all we can do?" He asks looking between the three of us. Dream and I share a solemn look and I nod to Tommy. 

"It's our safest option, I'd rather be protecting them myself too Tommy," Dream says. I wasn't sure if Tommy fully trusted Dream's words, but he knows that I do. Tommy sighs and nods reluctantly. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now