25 || An Ocean of White

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The bitter cold stings my nose and presses on my eyelashes as I squint through the wind and tug my coat tighter around my shoulders. After days of following the pull, frostbitten earth had turned to snowy earth had turned to frozen Tundra. Ranboo and I picked up snow coats and boots in the last town after we heard that the weather was about to turn for the final time this season. 

Spring was around the corner, but this godforsaken place didn't seem to give two flying fucks about it. The snowstorm was only just starting, it was earlier than expected. We should have had enough time to make it to the next town, but now Ranboo and I trudged through the crunching snow. 

My feet felt frozen despite my thick boots and I knew I'd be sick. Another delay in our journey. My fingers were frostbitten and my teeth chattered violently. I clutched tightly to the necklace around my neck, holding the rings close begging them for some unseen strength. 

We'd left Tiaga forests behind a long time ago and so there was no tree cover out here. I constantly dig into the feeling of the pull at my naval, our only guiding light. A strong wind blows and Ranboo and I pause in sync to wait for it to pass. 

"What if we don't find cover?" I shout my worries over the wind to Ranboo. "If we don't we'll freeze."

"We don't have a choice, we just need to trust it," he shouts back to me. I know he's right, but thus far the pull didn't seem to care where it lead us, only that was followed it. I worry that it's trying to lead us to our deaths. 

The wind passes and we start marching again. Lifting our feet high out of the snow so we can make distance across it. Our footprints are gone seconds after we print them in the snow, if we get lost, we'll never be found. 

I feel a sharp tug at my naval, it almost yanks me off my feet. 

"The pull is stronger!" I shout. 
"Maybe that's good?' Ranboo shouts back trying to keep both our spirits up. 

His coat was far too small for him, the shopkeeper didn't have any larger sizes. Ranboo's wrists stuck out of the sleeves and he kept his arms crossed across his chest to try and keep out the cold. He had slipped the crown into his bag and now his hair waved wildly slapping against his tall horns in the wind. 

I don't know how long we'd walked before we see the glowing windows of a cabin in the distance. Elated, we push ourselves faster and pray that the cabin's inhabitants will be kind enough to allow us to wait out the storm with them. 

From somewhere in the snow, we hear a wolf howl. Its cries cut through the roaring winds like a warm knife through butter. We move faster reaching a fence helping each other over it. I clutch my necklace tighter when a realisation dawns on my mind. 

The pull, it's leading us here. With every step towards the looming cabin, I feel the pull tighten until it doesn't feel like a pull but instead a dull ache in my belly. I've barely noticed that Ranboo has stopped to wait for me at the stairs.

It was difficult to see the house in the storm but I could tell that another building next to it. It was still in construction. What looked like a stable clung to the outer stone wall, it seemed empty. 

Ranboo grabs my hand and helps me up the stairs. My joints felt frozen and stiff but soon we stood together in front of two thick spruce doors; latched tightly shut. Ranboo and I share a fleeting look of worry and hope before I knock, the wood hurting my frozen knuckles. Immediately, my hand returns to its place clutching the rings to my chest. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now