46 || Best Friends

282 19 13


(Fanart by @Shmeckdoesstuff on twitter they're super pog and I love their art go check them out) (also this is how I imagine Shroud looks)


"I still want you to come with me," Dream sighs tightening our embrace. I smile slipping my thumbs through the back belt loops of his jeans. His mask, sitting on top of his head allowed me to have a last glimpse of his pretty face, glowing in the morning light. Sunrise was slowly coming to an end which meant Dream had to go into the SMP. 

"I would come, but Tommy needs me and so does the kid," I smile regretfully wishing we could be spending more time together. My arms felt electric from where Dream's hands were resting on them thoughtfully. He rolls his foresty eyes making me chuckle. 

"I also need to keep our information up to date, Lorelei and Myles should be coming back here sometime today with notes from territories about recourses and all other kinds of fun shit," I sigh thinking about how much effort it is to hold together a rebellion. Did Wilbur ever do this much work?

"Lorelei and Myles might only get here tomorrow, you know what the roads are like," I hum knowing exactly what he meant. Travel that should take a day could sometimes take a week if Dark Army patrols got in the way. It's too dangerous to send sensitive documents by crow so we need to deliver them by hand.  

"You know they all think you're the queen right?" Dream teases and I blush burying my face into his chest trying to enjoy more of the warmth he gave me. 

"Shut up," I muffle and smile when Dream's chest shakes with laughter. 

"I'll be here when you come back," I say composing myself and looking back up at Dream. He pulls a face and then presses a kiss on my lips that I would have liked to last a while longer. 

All too soon I feel the familiar cold air as Dream steps off the verandah to his horse. I wave and he waves back before he pulls his mask on and sets off at a brisk trot. I groan when the voices start muttering their protests as if they hadn't already been listening to our exchange. 

"You guys are so needy," I mumble to them going back to the door. 

Says you. 

I roll my eyes at their reply and shut the front door behind me. I feel myself melt when I spot our spider-hybrid curled up under blankets and cuddled by pillows bigger than his body on the window seat. Tommy cleans up dishes from breakfast as quietly as he can, rolling up the sleeves of his blue cardigan when they slip down and get in his way. I cross the room and take a seat at the kitchen bench. 

"Do you think Ranboo and Tubbo bringing Michael is a good idea?" I ask feeling unsure. We had asked them to come before we found the kid. Ranboo had sent a letter asking if it was alright that they still came this morning by a crow. I smirk remembering how excited Cosette had been to see the crow, she seemed to like this particular one. 

"Well he needs a bloody name first before he sees anybody," Tommy scowls struggling to clean a pan. He gives up and lets it sit in the water instead, he wipes his hand and comes around the bench to me. We watch the kid quietly. 

"I don't want to wake him," Tommy says. 

"Me neither, he seems so peaceful," I reply. 

"I'm getting the raw pasta," Tommy says and I hum in agreement. He pulls two thin, dried-up spaghetti and breaks them both so they're short and then he breaks one of them again to make it shorter than the other. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now