12|| Rainbow Feathers - Father's Day Special

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no TWs just wholesome cutesy father things <3 (but it does get a little sad at Wilbur's pov)

based on the animatics below (I love them sm)
kinda like a one-shot chapter from lots of different perspectives

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Xwnr1mfus - brothers animatic by WolfyTheWitch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJoKNZVFH8E - I hear a symphony animatic by Cowokie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MczlbSH_kNE - animatic by toasted_sophie

Cover art by @dumbasscoffe on Twitter <3 Go drop them a follow :)


~~~~ Y/N's P.O.V ~~~~ Age 11 ~~~~

I skip through the town square with a big smile on my face and my woven basket swinging on my arm. I'd collected wildflowers from the field today, they were for Dad. Dad had been working lots lately and I wanted to cheer him up a little. He was always too tired to play when he came home so I think it's better to just visit him in the Fletcher's shop. 

It was Sunday, everyone dressed up on Sundays, especially the girls. They flounced around like fairies with pretty ribbons in their hair and their finest Sunday dresses. They were wearing so many pretty colours like blue and yellow and pink and green and even purple! Their shoes would have been perfectly polished the night before and would shine in the sun while they played hopscotch or jump rope. Their hair was pretty too, all shiny and braided in pretty patterns. 

Mum had to leave early to go to the bakery this morning so nobody could braid my hair. I tried my best to put it in a half up and half down ponytail but it was really messy. My shoes were scuffed too because I didn't know how to polish them. My dress wasn't nearly as pretty or delicate as the other girl's. My dress went down to my ankles whilst their dresses bounced at their knees where their white woollen stockings ended. I didn't have white stockings, mine were brown. My sleeves weren't puffed like theirs and my dress wasn't a bright colour. It was a dull blue and my sleeves clung to my arms under the brown woollen tippet I was wearing to keep out the cool breeze. 

I didn't have all those things, but before I left the house I went into Mum and Dad's room and found a silk ribbon on Mum's dresser! It was so pretty and it was yellow like the dandelions in my basket. I look down at the flowers I collected, poppies, daisies, dandelions and cornflowers. Cornflowers were Dad's favourite. 

I pushed open the wooden door to the Fletcher's shop and immediately felt the heat from the furnaces. The little bell above the door twinkled. 
"Who's there?" I heard a male voice say from the back. It wasn't Dad, I gasp and quickly tiptoe to Dad's workroom. He'd brought me here so many times I knew exactly where to go. 

"Dad! I got you flowers!" I call gleefully as I see Dad bending over the workbench. He lifted his glasses from his nose and smiled brightly at me. 
"That's wonderful darling! Can I see?" I nodded and put the basket on the table. My heart warmed when I saw his smile grow wider. 

"They're so pretty my darling, and you got my favourites too! I'll put them in water when we get home so I can look at them every day before I go to work," Dad said and put down the tools he was using. 

I eye the shiny tools with wonder. What were they for?
"Dad... What are you doing?" I ask and drag over a stool. I stand on it so I can see everything on that table. Arrowheads sit in a bucket whilst arrow shafts were lined up in a row nearby. A box of white feathers and various tools reflected the flicker of flames in the furnace behind us. 

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