60 || Epilogue

318 20 42


Feel good chapter :)

I think this is the longest chapter of this particular book... It's more than 8500 words so I suggest you get a snack hahaha


The breeze picks up at the base of the rock and runs up to my face. I breathe in the sweet smell and swing my feet gently over the cliffside. The spray from the waterfall catches the light creating a rainbow in the mist. I smile. 

Schlatt's bomb had created a giant crater in the centre of what used to be L'Manburg. It goes down to bedrock where a lake hard started to fill the pit. Phil and I had worked tirelessly to bring life back here. Removing rubble was the worst, but we got there eventually. Phil focused on building elements of the pit whilst I focused on life. I grew over the rocks with new plants that would flower next spring. Phil built a bridge across it and created a channel for a waterfall. A small river now flowed from the beach to the pit. In the centre, we planted a L'Manburg flag into the rock. 

It flutters gently in the autumn breeze. The water was crystal clear and fed all of the plants that had taken root. After we built this Phil and Techno left to go exploring. We get letters from them telling tales of the most splendid landscapes I never would have been able to imagine. I was glad to be seeing them tonight. 

Drista's hosting a great celebration for everybody in the SMP to mark the end of the war; a grand ball in the castle. From the buzz in town, I knew people would be celebrating in the SMP streets all through the night as well. Our massive collection of refugees celebrating their newfound safety and freedom alongside people who've lived here their entire lives. I can't wait to hear all about it. 

Drista has become queen and basically told Dream to fuck off so she could rule the SMP. He was more than happy to follow those orders. But today he seemed strange, I suppose that's how I found myself here. 

The crater somehow offered me great comfort. Something about it was incredibly peaceful. Maybe it was the abundance of life that radiated like light from the sun. Maybe it was because of the flowers people from the SMP had planted around it to honour the fallen soldiers in the war. But this place is something beautiful, covered in memories both yellow and blue. It was one of the last places where I don't feel lonely. Sure I was alone, sitting by myself with nothing but my thoughts, but I was far from lonely. If Wilbur was here I'm sure he'd agree. 

Despite everything I could have thought about - the dress I was going to wear tonight, the amazing food that would be served, and how cute the kids would look in their little outfits - my mind keeps drifting to Dream. I woke up alone in bed this morning, which was strange in itself. I always wake up first. Second, Sapnap and George were making dumb faces and giggling all through breakfast... Well, that was kind of normal. But Dream would barely meet my eye. Always glancing off and zoning out. Then he disappeared with Sapnap and George and went into the SMP without an explanation. I know he's not meeting his sister, she would've told me. 

I sigh and check my watch. Time to get going if I wanted to be at the castle on time. I stand and take one last look at the pit before turning to Percy who I had tied to a nearby fence. He nickers as I come closer and I give his neck a scratch in his favourite spot before I swing into the saddle. We trot directly to the centre of the SMP. Now and again somebody waves to me or shouts my name. I wave back politely and keep going straight to the castle. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now