27 || Clarity

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This chapter contains some VERY HEAVY THEMES at Tommy's POV in the end. Much heavier themes than usual. You can skip this section as I will summarise what happens in the author notes at the end of the chapter. READ SAFELY AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF <3 <3<3

The image above is Y/N's Antarctic Anarchist Commune uniform <3 

Also, lots of content lots of words. This chapter passed my usual 5000-word-limit because I wanted to squeeze everything in. 

(It's about 7000 words... we went overboard)


It takes me a moment to remember where I am. I stare at the strange wooden beams that reach across the ceiling holding up the floorboards that run across them. I hear some of them creak indicating that the others were already awake. I sit up in the cot I was sleeping in and see the wolves snoring around me. Ranboo's cot, which was adjacent to mine, was empty. 

I look to my other side and startle when I see that one of the wolves was sitting up and looking straight at me. He whines and I chuckle and scratch between his ears making him wag his tail. 

"Is it breakfast time?" I mumble in my croaky morning voice. He whines some more and nudges my hand making me laugh again. 

I roll out of the cot and slip on my snow boots and coat, that Techno and Phil had given me, over my pyjamas. One by one the dogs start waking up all whinging and running about like a shoal of fish. 

"Alright, alright come on outside," I mutter and open the wooden basement doors. The wolves pool out barking and jumping in the morning snow. Their breath comes out in hot puffs of steam as they bounce around. 

I find the chest of steaks that Techno keeps outside so it stays cold and starts grabbing chunks. I heave the massive cuts of meat from the chest and throw them into the snow for the wolves to chew on. 

It's been a few days since Ranboo and I arrived and we've started to slip into a routine. The last one to wake up feeds the dogs, we have breakfast together and then build Ranboo's and my house. Usually in the afternoon we split up and do whatever we please. 

As the wolves eat I watch as the sun rises. It had long lifted away from the horizon but it still reflected beautifully off the snow. It looked as if I was seeing the world through a yellow filter. 

I smile and head back inside to get dressed. Phil and Techno had given me some clothes to start with that I then fixed up so that they fit me better. After a while, Techno also gave Ranboo and me friendship emeralds like the ones he and Phil wore. I turned the emeralds into earrings for Ranboo and me to wear. Techno also let me take a crown from the treasure pile. On the bottom floor of the basements, Techno keeps all of the most important riches as well as his personal favourites. 

The crown I picked was quite simply stunning. It wasn't ridiculously big or eye-catching like Ranboo's or Techno's; it was minimalistic. It was silver and was made of tiny clear crystals that none of us could name. It looks like it's made of icicles that reach up into the sky in tiny curving branches. It hugged my head and sat comfortably in my hair. 

I put my earring in and change into my uniform. We all wore colours of the Antarctic Anarchist Commune, although Ranboo and I were more of honourary members. I pull on my loose navy cotton shirt and light blue trousers and set my crown snugly on my head. I bring my cornflower blue coat and navy cloak upstairs with me since I didn't need them inside. Both my cloak and coat had silver trims accenting different parts of each item. 

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