45 || Itsy Bitsy Spider

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(Image from Pinterest. This is kind of how I picture Y/N's armour :O)


The air is busy with the crackle of metal on metal and the sharp stench of smoke and gunpowder. I don't falter as another bomb blows in a building on my right. It was the last attempt of the Dark Army's forces to hold onto their territory. As soon as it's clear, our soldiers rush in and pull out the soldiers who lit the fuse. They're shackled like the others and led away. 

Tommy and Niki had managed to get all the townspeople out before the battle got heated. I was glad that Tommy would be in a place without the fighting, but it didn't stop me from worrying about his reaction to all the noise. 

He had been reluctant to come this morning, but his fears were outweighed by his desire to help the rebellion. He traded his blue sweater for Netherite armour in the basement, I helped him braid his hair so it was away from his face and Tubbo found him some earplugs. I had never noticed but Tubbo wore earplugs whenever he fought. I suppose it made sense since he is our demolitions man. 

The Dark Army soldiers weren't expecting our attack. Dream and I have contemplated whether Schlatt even knows we're beating his soldiers. We've been incredibly thorough, we never leave a soldier behind although I'm not unaware that it wouldn't be hard for one to slip away. Schlatt's territory was so large now, his soldiers were spread to the thinnest. It would be hard to get a message back to him. 

There's been so much death, losses heavier on Schlatt's side. A year ago, I would have been horrified at the thought of killing anybody but now I had few reservations. The Dark Army soldiers needed to fear us and we couldn't risk any of them getting lost. The prison is yet to be built and the small one in the SMP is not going to hold them all. We have no choice, this is war, there's nothing to be done about death. 

I sweep every corner of the relatively large town that had been turned into a Dark Army outpost. Many of the buildings had been destroyed by the Dark Army before we arrived. I see some of our soldiers leading the last of the villagers to the transport. All of them bleed. I spot an elderly man holding a thick cloth over his eye, it's drenched in blood, the soldier with him is the only thing keeping him standing. Disgust settles heavily in my chest, how could Schlatt want this?

Once I'm sure the village is empty, I make my way to the evacuation spot. My armour clinks feeling heavy after long hours of fighting and shouting and lighting TNT. We would take the villagers to L'Manburg, it had become a hub for asylum seekers until we can find them a safer place to live where the Dark Army won't find them. 

My next job was to make sure the others were doing theirs. I frown thinking about it, it's pretty boring being in charge. I had barely been able to fight too. I feel like I do nothing and put all the work on everybody else when I should be doing some of it. Dream said it was normal to feel like that and told me I was working hard. I wasn't convinced. 

I start scanning the crowds and startle when Niki rushes out of them. I look at her worriedly as she puffs short of breath. 

"Niki, what happened?" I grip her shoulder holding her up. I look over her for injuries but see none.  
"During the fighting, an orphanage was destroyed," she wheezes out. I feel pale as stress takes over my body. How big was the orphanage? There could have been loads of people in a town this size. 

"Did you get everybody out?" I demand and Niki nods starting to breathe more regularly. 

"We got everybody out, but there are so many kids," Niki explains. I sigh quietly thanking the gods that all the children are alright. Equally, I feel the voices start squirming as thousands of scenarios run through my mind. Those kids would be terrified and we would need some help. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now