I AM ALIVE (Update 😅)

586 11 18

As the scene shows a messy dark room, it was mostly plain with a bed some shelves and wardropes along with a laptop and two video game consoles, before seeing a bundle of messy papers on top of each other before a light glowing out of the gaps of the papers before being blasted off as a person can be seen coming out of it before sighing in relief and cleaning the sweat off his head before looking in front of him

The person name (CLASSIFIED) or also known as the author, he wears glasses, hoodie with a video game logo on his chest, blue jeans, black shoes, you know normal clothes, also known as the author of this forgotten story because he is a lazy pice of sh-

Author: Oi!!!! I came back didn't I!!!

Whatever, anyway say your piece and leave another few months

Author: (mumbles) you didn't have to be a huge douche about it... (before talking to the read) Anyway hello everyone who still has this story saved, I'm alive as you can see

It shows the author hands open showing his alive before lookibg at the room

Author: sheesh i gotta clean up (sighs) anyway somethings to clear up before i continue Why didn't i stoped posting Chapters? Ima be honest cheif, 3 things first being lazyiness and playing on my consoles (GTA V, RDR2, Skyrim, Fallout, Horzion, Genshin Impact Etc.)

Cue booing

Author: I know I know sheesh and the second being school and a part time job (so i know have income >:3) and lastly well RWBY being lack of interst again .-. V8 did bring up some inspiration but as always it disspointing me with the characters and story so i had to rely on other fanfic to bring me back which work somewhat, anyways what mostly work that brought me back to wattpad well...

As the author pulls out a screen as it shows video

Thats hell you walking into y'know

Author: i know i know (sighs as eyes filled with tears) Damn you Gacha system (cleans tears) anyways so im back this time with possibly better writing and humor along with some better refrence and a new Book. (smiles)

Author: It was originally gonna be a Fate story untill i released i only know the basic of the Fate series, if they are basics, but the other nasuverse works i know just a little so i had to scraped the idea until i know more, so instead i be making the "book" about characters from other franchise in the throne of heros so stay tune.

Author: anyway basic summary 1. Im back, full time? Probably whenever i can now, 2. A new "book" 3. Im team saber waifu for fate fite me, 4 the new chapter will be back in production and 5 Send help For Fate grand order ;^; anyway thats all so i see you in the next chapter


Author: Oi!! I send you back to the basement!!

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now