Chapter 19

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A few days ago before Welcome to Beacon

As scene opens to the street of vale as show a person walking as it show Y/N looking for someone as he looks around at the stores

Y/N: (thoughts) 'now if i was a helper for the greatest theif of vale where would i store nah... weapon store well she not ruby but hey you never store? Sheesh Remanet really don't have a lot of good stores do they?'(Stops and looks at a store) ' "Vale desearts" with a ice cream cone next to it well it been sometime since i had some so if im likey maybe i find them'

As he walks in the store as the bell rang the clerk walks in front to the counter coming back from the back as Y/N went up to the counter

Shop Desert server: Hello and welcome to Vale deserts where most of vales greatest deserts what can i get you

Y/N: Hmm.. (looks at the menu) Do you have ice cream?

Shop desert server: Yes we do! We can give you cone,Dish and if you daring we can give you a bucket

Y/N: ...Wait what a full bucket like full of ice cream?

Shop Desert Server: (Nods) Yep! Although people do have trouble with eatting it so it recommend to eat with others

Y/N: Hmm..i take a bucket of ice cream..Thats Neopolitan ice cream right? (They nod) i take that

Shop desert server: Oh! Interesting i only seen another person take that flaver alright here you go (puts bucket and two spoons on the counter) that be 250 Lien

Y/N: alright here..(gives money and puts it on the counter and walks towards a table and sits on chair) maybe i can have a bit of it havent had some for a while...

As he was about to dig in the door bell open and he turn around to see a girl walked in with her umbrella on her hand and that girl was none other than Neo Politan

As he was about to dig in the door bell open and he turn around to see a girl walked in with her umbrella on her hand and that girl was none other than Neo Politan

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Y/N: (rolls eyes and thoughts) 'Now i know how a certain bad luck charm feels when things dont go how you want'

As Neo walk towards th counter to talk to the shop server asking about a bucket of Neopolitan Ice cream

Shop deseart server: Sorry we are all out of Neopolitan ice cream we restock tomrrow

As she looks dejected but nods understandably before leaving as she was about to leave though the door someone puts a hand on her shoulder and she turns around immediately and was about to use her semblance but was stoped when she saw the bucket full of neopolitan ice cream and confused and looks to see the person face who was Y/N

Y/N: Heard that you were the one who orders this often so here (gives her the bucket)

As Neo looked happy that she got her ice cream as she looked at the person who was about to turn and leave she pokes his shoulder he turns confused as she takes her scroll and shows

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now