Side Story 3

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And side story yea wanted to finish the How and What change Adam since there where parts that Y/N somehow calm and redeem adam, anyway il explain more stuff at the end hopefully

A bit of a second part from the previous side story

Timeline: Events during the Adam short, and a bit after the Black Trailer
Event: helping a beast back to the man he once was,

As the scene starts in a empty alley way as footsteps can be heard as a group of WF members without their uniform, using bandanas covering most of their faces as one of them pulled a switch turning off the lights of the area

WF Member 1: Alright, and you said there were no cameras?

WF: Member 2: Yea, I'm pretty sure-(gets interruptes)

WF member 3: (suprised and annoyed) Pretty sure?! You work here!

WF Member 2: I work in labor! I'm not even allowed near processing.

WF Member 4: Ugh, this doesn't feel right.

WF Member 3: (sighs)

WF Member 2: Maybe we should just leave....

Adam: No (from a nearby)

As the WF Group turn to see Adam Taurus walking towards them with a mask on his hand

Adam: It's time we stood up for ourselves

WF Member 3: Adam!

Adam: Our kind's been beaten, murdered, treated like dogs! Taking this Dust is only illegal in the eyes of the same people that call us animals

As Adam was walking towards the Fanaus group rallying them before putting on the Grimm mask to his face, Unknown to all of them a familar person was watching them from above away from their view, as it shows Y/N cloacked with a black coat covering most of his face only his mouth area was visible frowning a bit but knowing this still must continue at least for a bit,

WF Member 2: Yeah, you're right.

WF Member 1: Hey, what's with the custom mask? It kinda makes you look like a Grimm

Adam: We may not want them to know who we are, but we should make sure they never forget what we looked like. Now,

Adam takes out his sword and cuts the lock of the building before opening

Adam: it's time we got what we deserved

As the WF Members run into the building to do their mission, Y/N who saw everything walk away, As Adam looked up at a building thinking someone was there only for birds to fly away as the scene transists though later of the same day

Play RWBY Volume 6 Lionized BGM

As it shows a WF Member with their recent new uniform at the time, he got out of the truck as they were getting shoot from as he took cover as a group of bandits were shootimg at the Fanaus Group as the WF member got to cover as it shown two Fanaus along with Adam and his Mask he now wears, the two Fanaus were Sienna Khan

As it shows a WF Member with their recent new uniform at the time, he got out of the truck as they were getting shoot from as he took cover as a group of bandits were shootimg at the Fanaus Group as the WF member got to cover as it shown two Fanau...

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