Chapter 24

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As the scene starts as elevator going up as shows three people in that elevator, the teacher assistant Amber Autumn, and students Ruby Rose and Y/N L/N in there, with Amber with a bit of annoyed expression, Y/N facepalming and Ruby nervously twiddling her thumbs

Amber: (slightly annoyed) Ruby Rose..

Ruby: (nervously) Y-yes? M-miss Autumn?

Amber: I look away for a few seconds and you thought it was a good idea to press all the buttons on a elevator....why?

Ruby: (nervously chuckles) W-well...

Y/N: (still facepalming and thoughts) 'Even i think that was stupid especially when its somethings serious, guess old habits die hard' (speaks) Let it go, Amber (she looks at him) she did it and we took a bit but now aren't we?

Amber: (sighs) i guess you right Y/N...(looks at Ruby) just don't do that again

Ruby nods and giggles nervously while mutterings "sorry" as the scene changes into Ozpin office where the headmaster of beacon and Atlas along with professor Goodwitch where discussing about what happened on the night of the dance

Ironwood: They were here...Ozpin they were here! (Slams fist on table)

Glynda: We are very much aware of that, thank you james

Ironwood: Fantastic you're aware, now are we gonna do something about it or zhould we just stay the course and continue to ignore whats right in front of us?

As he finished his sentance the elevator had arrived making its beeping sound as the elevator as the people that were in there arrived to the headmaster office

Ozpin: Come in

Amber: Professor i brought the students here

Ozpin: (smiles a bit) thank you miss Autumn

Ruby: sorry we're were taking so long someone accidentally pressed all the buttons on a elevator on the way up here, It wasn't me!

As she looks to see Amber and Y/N giving a deadpan expression to her

Ruby: (quietly) okay it was me...traitors

Ozpin: Thank you both for coming here Ruby and Y/N how are the both feeling?

Y/N: Pretty good with all things considered, (thoughts) 'As for cinder however'

Flash back few minutes ago

As the three of them were walking to the elevator Y/N and Ruby see cinder having bandages covered on her back as Mercury and Emerald help her to get to class as those three spot Y/N and Ruby staring at them, luckly not seeing Amber,

Ruby: What happen to her?

Emerald: She um...

Mercury: she fell down some stairs

As Y/N and Ruby looked at each other wandering if that happen, as Emerald and Cinder glared at Mercury for the bad excuse before looking back with their fake normal expressions,

Y/N: Hm..You should be carefull next time might of broke you neck if your ain't careful (smiles)

Cinder: (force smiles) Yea clumsy me...(mutters) Mercury i will burn you alive

Emerald: Well we should get going otherwise we be late bye

As the three leave and ruby walking towards the elevator where Amber was waiting as Y/N could hear Cinder angrily talked to Mercury at the dumb excuse

Y/N: (mutters) As for beacon not realizing that they were spies is beyond me

End flash back

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