Chapter 11

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Y/N Pov

'As i was in the elevator i was waiting for it to reach ozpin office he wanted to talk to me about something my guess about what may happen but heck if i know i should try to convince him to trust a bit more so he doesn't just leave the rest into his next host mind' as i lost my train of thought the elevator rang its sound telling that i have arrive and i walked to see ozpin looking outside than turn to me

Ozpin: Mister L/N im glad your here

Y/N: well you did ask me to be here so i did so whats up? (Shoves hands in pockets)

Ozpin: (looks at me before taking a sip from his mug) i was hoping you could help with a situation

Y/N: which is? (Raises eyebrow)

Ozpin: A ally of mine of mine found one the maidens the current fall maiden amber but she ambush and taken half of her maiden ability and heavily injured he brought her here to beacon and currently at the school and with the abilitys you have...i was hoping you could help her

Y/N: i see what i could do but first can i ask something ozpin?

Ozpin: of course what is it Y/N?

Y/N: (turns away from looking at him than turns back with a cold glare) its never good to keep sercrets...Ozma

Ozpin: (surprised and shocked) h-how d-do you-

Y/N: (looks at the ground) i told you i know many things remember when i said i know about your reincarnation?..will i know first reincarnation was from a fairy tale long ago the tower where salem was held and you saved her from the danger only to die from a sickness and than everything change...(turns back to look at ozpin) I want you to tell me the truth i already know it but i want to hear it from you if you dont tell me than why should i help a person that lies (crosses arms before eyes glow a bit red before returning to silver)

Ozpin: (looks at the floor than looks at me) you are indeed impressive Y/N...(heavily sighs) alright but this tale is not a happy one

Y/N: most tales arent yet there still people that do the right thing in the end (as i see him give a small smile for a bit)

Ozpin: (takes a deep breath than sighs) A long time ago when humanity and magic were still intertwined there was a girl locked away in a old castle with all kinds of dangers to keep her in and would be rescuers out. For years she staid there until a young man the strongest bravest warrior in all the land ventured into the castle and defeated those dangers and rescued the young maiden. The two escaped the castle and went on to find love in each others arms. That girl was Salem. And that man was known as Ozma all though now his name is-

Y/N: Ozpin the headmaster of beacon academy...(he nods) what happen after?

Ozpin: after that for a time i fell i'll than some time after died from that very sickness and salem couldnt accept that...she first went to god of light to bring me back but he refused and told her to let me go...but she wouldn't than she went to find his brother the god of darkness to bring me back...and she least for a bit his older brother found out about what she did and argue with his other brother about their rules before taking me once again

Y/N: had to be painful bring you alive and not knowing what was going on

Ozpin: (smiles a little and softly chuckles) you have no idea Y/N...after that they cursed salem with immortality to make her understand the meaning of life and death and she didn't, she blamed the gods for taking me and she build a army to fight against the gods when she did...well they failed, than the gods destroyed all of humanity all but salem remained....

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