Chapter 17

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It been a few days since our break and fee things has happen, Raven agreed to help out as long as Ozpin isnt the main person making the decision later on it took a bit to make her agree but she did even if begrudgingly, Summer was happy that raven came back well to her now she missing comings back to the family although Raven does not admittedshe also happy that Summer is alive and "allies" again...She means friends but wont admitted, Amber the fall maiden even tho she only has half of the powers Y/N helping her getting the basic and the adapted over its powers, for her it was shocked how calm he explain like if he used magic needless to say she being train to able to fight now that she trained with her abilities and her weapon, after that he hang out with the rest of his team to forge strong friendship with them hang out with his leader Ruby, and her sister Yang, the heriness Weiss, and the fanaus Blake, needless to say it was kinda chaotic trying to hanging out with them time to time but as the day came closer it now time for him to go to a certain book store,

--Line break--

As the scene opens it shoes the shop owner of dust till dawn puting up a banner of its reopening as the owner climbs down and falls a appears in front of him

Girl: Excuse me? Im really not from arpund here (takes out a piece of paper) can you tell me the direction of this shop

As she gets the direction and says "Thank You" to the owner as she leaves another person waiting for her at a building these two people were Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black

As she gets the direction and says "Thank You" to the owner as she leaves another person waiting for her at a building these two people were Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black

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Mercury: I know you were lost

Emerald: Mercury...I will seriously pay you to shut up (irritated a bit)

Mercury: (shakes head disagreeing) Thats not your money

Emerald: And it could be yours for five minutes of sillence

Mercury: Hmm...(pretends to think a bit) No deal

Emerald: Hmm...Fine (takes out the lien and throws away the wallet and walks away)

Mercury: Whatever you want me (chuckles before following Emerald)

As both of them walk away a silhouette is shown following those two from a distance until they arrive at Tuckson Book trade store

As both Emerald and Mercury walk in in the store Mercury looks around as Emerald rings the counter

Shop owner: (in a back) in a minute!

As a few seconds go by he opens the doors from the back and walks in with books in his hand walking backwards

Shop owner: Welcome to Tuckson book trade home to every book under the sun (puts books down) How may i- (turns to see who he was talking to and stops talking)
How may i help you?

Mercury: Just browsing (closes book)

Emerald: Actually! I was wandering do you have any copys of the theif of the butchers?

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