Side story 2

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Suprise! You thought it was a main chapter! But it was i Di- i mean Side chapter! Another side story the last one was a bit of trying and it seems you guys liked it anyway this one will be a bit different aka time travel..Yay! End me ;-; anyway this will either be A possibly bad and i may have to delete this or 2 decent enough to stay, also this a break from the main chapters i been doing aand more of a fun chapter since i kinda need a break for trying to going though canon and changing also side note i may be adding more uncensored languages be warned anyway enjoy

Timeline: Before RWBY Canon
Event: Shenanigans and reason why he decided to actually help in RWBY
Times reseted: over 3,000 times due

As the scene starts it starts with nothing in a quiet place peacefully, Crows and Ravens chipping flying, Grimm walking around looking for its prey, the blue sky all peacefully before...

Play Instrumental BGM


As the scene suddenly shows Y/N ducking to cover as Bandits attacked him by wandering by himself

Bandit: Give up! Your surrounded and if you give us your stuff, we may let you live

Y/N: (peaks out cover) How about no! (Shots fored at him, and he goes back to cover)

As shots fired at Y/N as he fired back with a rifle ,that he pulled out of nowhere, he shooted at the other bandits killing some of them before ducking a bandit with a sword before slamming his rifle at the attcker stomach before shotting in the face,

than another one with club fights and slams Y/N rifle away and swings at him getting hit once before dodging the other attacks before slamming the club wielding bandit into a tree putting him unconscious,

as he turns to see one bandit left aiming his gun at Y/N, But Y/N fired a bullet immediately at the bandit weapon making it fall off his hand before rushing and tackling the bandit punching his gut before snapping the bandits arm breaking the bone making the bandit scream in pain,


as Y/N standed back up and sigh relief before looking at the bandit in pain trying to get his weapon before stomping his foot on the bandits other arm

Y/N: (thoughts) 'i know they are easy but got damn aren't the bandits annoying...wait' (looks at the bandits outfits) 'oh great' (speaks) which tribe are you from?

Bandit: (coughs blood) Tch! The one you wouldn't be surviving, and when the boss lady gets here your dead! You hear me! Dead! (Coughs in pain)

Y/N: (thoughts) 'greaaat' (speaks with a stotic expression) good thing she probably not care about your death than

As the bandits eyes widen as Y/N took out a revolver and aimed at the soon to be dead bandit

Bandit: No! No! Wait wait-

Y/N fired a bullet on the bandits head killing him, as Y/N dematrlized the revolver before putting his hand on his pockets before looking around the dead or unconscious bandits in the area, while looking around to see any alive ones or possible arrivals

Y/N: (thoughts) 'okay none are here guess i can go my way and explore more of remnant-' (hears a Raven bird Caw) 'or deal with her now.....great'

As he turns to see Raven bird flying above him to a nearby tree before suddenly going out of sight as a Woman came out behind a tree with a grimm mask and her weapon on her side

Y/N: (thoughts) ' And now Raven freaking Brawen' (speaks) Can i help you?

Raven says nothing before looking around seeing dead bandits ot Unconscious ones before looking back at Y/N

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now