Chapter 15

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After events of last chapter

Ozpin: Good afternoon Miss Amber Its nice to see you have awaken from your coma

Ozpin smiles a bit as amber slowly sits up straight and looks around to see she is in the infirmary of beacon

Amber: What happen i thought..i was....

Ozpin: Amber what do you remeber before waking up here?

Amber: i was...ambushed by three others....and one of them had something and...(looks at ozpin to see Y/N standing and looking at them) Oz? Who is he?

Y/N: Please to meet you Amber, my name is Y/N L/N, and yes im was the person who saved you from what got you in your condition.

Amber: ..Thank you (smiles a bit before turning to ozpin) does he know?

Ozpin: (nods) Yes he knows he is a ally to us so he knows

Amber: Okay....wait i cant feel...the maiden power its gone! But how am i...

Y/N: that would be me a bit of the maiden power was taken from your assailant sadly, the rest is with you but (points to her neck to see a necklace) that is whats hiding the maiden power if you use it while you have it, you just expose yourself and well the other bit is with a decoy

Amber: Decoy?

Ozpin: As in he created a fake person where you were in the past

Amber: wait...created? Ozpin he created a decoy?

Y/N: (appears beside her) Yea i did why you asking?

Amber: AHH! W-wait h-how? (Turns and looks where Y/N previously was and where he is now)

Ozpin: He has many abilities and with a ability of his is how he saved you

Amber: i-if he has abilities...than couldn't he defeat salem?

Y/N: Except i cant

Amber: But why?

Y/N: You ever hear a phase that goes like "if you mess with fate than fate messes back" or something similar (they nod) well...if i defeat salem right now...than

Ozpin: Than a possible bigger threat would appear...

Y/N: Yep

Amber: But we would have a chance! If your have your abilitys you be able defeat that threats right?

Y/N: (sadly smiles) My abilitys...dont work that way (sighs) my ability work for example a maiden since they use magic along with semblance and aura, i be allowed to use ability and the experience i would need to have to be in a even field against them, except there is a downside....

Ozpin: And the down side would be..?

Y/N: possible world destruction....(they both look at him with widen eyes) i said possible (scratches his head) it always changes to make it even or something

Ozpin: Would your actions also affect it?

Y/N: At times yes...

Ozpin: So saving amber may now change whatever may happen (sighs) well this may give us the advantage

Amber: Professor?

Ozpin: (turns to Y/N) are the changes always negative?

Y/N: They are random could be positive, negative or both but they are ussally hard to tell when and how it happens most of the time

Ozpin: Than i think that be good enough (smiles a bit)

Y/N: Ozpin?

Ozpin: the changes could work in our favor if its negative than we need to get past it (turns to amber) as for you miss amber once you recover your strength we talk about how we move ahead i should get going i have to talk to Y/N team member of why she left and missed some of her classes, have a good afternoon (leaves the room)

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