Chapter 7

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A/N: wow 150 view (at the time of this writing)i suprised people gave this a chance to read i appreciate people that read this story a chance also any idea you can comment i may take the suggestion anyway hope you enjoy the chapter

No one Pov

Eeryone was falling to the forest ruby hit a bird on accident while falling quickly

Ruby: Birdy no!

She than use her weapon sniper mode to slower her speed and than switch it into scythe and grab a tree branch than jump down after during a bit of a spin, weiss used her semblance glyphs to slow down and jump on the ground, ren use his weapons stormflower to grab onto a tree and spin around with his weapon until he reach the ground than yang is using her gaunlets to boost her self foward while she was having the thrill of it and went into a tree and than blast off again and touch the ground and did a roll

Yang: Nailed it

Pyrrha was using her shield to block and destroy the tress in her way and stop on a tree branch than change her weapon into her gun than scope to see anyone and she see jaune falling she than turns her gun to spear form and aims carefully before throwing it at jaune after a few seconds its heard that it got him safely

Jaune: Thank you! (From a far)

Pyrrha: Im sorry!

And than Y/N was falling even though he could just float to safety he likes to enjoy it like he didnt have them he grabs his weapon than sticks on a tree and does a few spins before droping onto the ground before he starts to go to the location

Y/N: And thats how you do a landing

Ruby Pov

I land on ground than start to run hopefully to find my sister first

Ruby: (thoughts) Gotta find yang, gotta find yang, gotta find yang, gotta find.. (talking) yannng! Yannng! (Thoughts again) this is bad this is really bad, what if i cant find her what if someone else finds her first...Theres always jaune he's nice and he's funny! I dont think he's very good in a fight tho..oh what about blake? So mysterious and so calm plus she likes books well than again i not sure i be able to hold a conversation with her...who else...Oh! Y/N he nice and has a cool weapon and very cute and...oh what am i think (shakes head) ugh who else do i know in school theres yang, jaune, blake,Y/N
And.... (slows down and sees weiss and make eye contact and weiss turns around and walks away)

Ruby: Wait where you going! (Kicks the ground sadly) we supposed to be teammate's....

Weiss continues walking while moving some bushes untill she saw jaune stuck on a tree by a spear and notices her and he waves and laughs nervously she than turns back where she came from and pulled me from my hood

Weiss: By no means does this make us friends

Ruby: (happy) you came back!


Y/N Pov

As i walking down the push i slowly contrate my energy because i told summer to be able to see her daughters even tho she couldnt talk to her and i wanted her o at least to be able to see them if she couldnt be there physically as i close my eyes and contrate a suddenly a white light appear and summer appear in front of me

Y/N: it worked

Summer: ugh...i feel dizzy (notices me) Y/N?!?!

Y/N: something the matte-OOF! (She quickly huged me while i didnt expect)

Summer: Shut up you jerk! You never told me when you came back! I thought you lied to me about my daughters....

Y/N: i didnt know it would take to long im sorry i didnt think about it thoroughly sorry...(takes out cookie) cookie?

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