Chapter 1

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As a portal opens up Y/N steps out of that portal as soon as he steps out and looks around the portal disappears like before after a few seconds of looking around Y/N starts walking and checks the device on his arm to check where he is and to find the person that he will change their fate

Y/N: okay...where am I

Location: Forest near the Grimm lands

Objective: prevent summer rose death or disappearance

Summer rose status: Near death

Y/N: (his eyes widen big) shit shit shit I have to hurry if I run I wont have time to find her....dammit gonna have use my abilitys...what a drag (starts to run and jumps and starts to fly to find summer) I have to hurry...


POV Summer Rose

I was on the ground panting for air hurt tired bleeding my clock ripped and exhausted and seeing some Grimm coming by I was afraid but I guess I wont make it back I failed...

Summer: I'm..sorry..tai...yang..ruby...I couldnt..keep my promise to you..I'm sorry...

As soon as I finished saying those words I heard someone fighting the Grimm and heard them running towards me

???: dont worry your safe now

As I heard that I lost consciousness



As I walked and picked her up bridal style I look at her her cloak was ripped no doubt from fighting or escaping... she has some wounds and bruises no doubt luckily there is no fatal wounds glad I manege to find her but I turn to see her weapon it was badly damaged I look at the weapon a bit to see if it would be enough for them to think she was gone as much as it painful I need them to think she was dead for my plan to work and sure enough her weapon was broken to make it look like she died

Y/N: (thoughts) I better leave before anyone sees me I dont want people to find out about me just yet especially ozpin because I dont need to be on his war for now and if salem spots me...well the plan is over before it even started

My thought were interrupted almost by the sound Grimm closing by

Y/N: I better move I cant let them know that I exist now

As soon as I say that I vanished taking summer with me to safe spot for the time being and I heard a ring in my head and a voice saying



As I heard that it made me smile continuing to look for a spot to be safe at the time being before seeing a revan staring where summer was laying it flys off

Y/N: (thoughts) tch...couldnt even bother to try to save her...(sigh) hopefully she didnt spot me but if she did...well I hope revan didnt saw me...well for now (looks at summer) let's get you patch up

(TIME SKIP brought to you by chibi Y/N eating cookies before chibi summer steals them)

POV Summer

As I started to regain consciousness I slowly and weakly open my eyes to see ceiling


???: oh good your awake

I heard a voice and looked where it came from and I see a person wearing (name whatever clothes you want to wear and color)

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now