Chapter 13

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It been a few days since the events of forever fall and team finding out a bit of my ability luckly they thought it was my semblance so i have to be careful now i know i should trust them but they dont need to know at least not yet i played it risky to earn ozpin trusts since he tried everything to end this war and i tend to make the culprit pay, not salem the brother the minute they are summoned no..if they are summoned here to judge this world well lets say they wont have time to say the verdict these so called "gods" havent met me yet as i was walking though the hall to get to my dorm all of team Rwby was leaving and saw me

Ruby: Y/N!! There you are!

Y/N: Yo! Where you guys heading

Ruby: Well we were looking for to ask if-

Weiss: We were wandering if you wanted you come to the vale docks with us! (Interrupts ruby who suprised about how weiss interrupted)

Y/N: (thoughts) 'sheesh way to cut her off...wait docks...its been that long?!?!?!?...shoot after volume 1 its a break oh boy....' (speaking) and let me guess if i dont yang is probably gonna drag me

Yang: Yep if team rwby is going all the members are going (blake simply nods after yang said that)

Y/N: (sighs) fine lets go

As i said that we all left to go to vale docks i got a message on my scroll to see that it was summer talking about information on what she was able to find the false maiden, her two helpers, along with plans about the white fang she able to find and she was doing alright i try to see her during the weekends after classes, ozpin said that amber should be waking up soon hopefully, oh..the vytal festival are being set up...WAIT WHAT its been that long? I turn to blake who was calmed and i look at her bow a bit that was twitching a bit before weiss started to talked

Weiss: The Vytal festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful

Ruby: i dont think i ever seen you smile this much weiss kinda weirding me out

Y/N: Same here to be honest...

Weiss: (turns to me and ruby) how could you two not smile a festival dedicated to the culture of the world! There will be dances parades, a tournament (i wince a bit when she said that) oh the amount of planning and origination that goes into this event is simply breathtaking.

Y/N: and just like that weiss made it sound boring

Yang: Yep nice going ice queen (as she smirks a bit)

Weiss: Oh quiet you two!

Yang: Remind me again why we're spend our friday afternoon at the stupid docks?

Ruby: (covers her nose) ugh smell like fish

Y/N: (sarcastically) wow ruby whatever made you think fish would be at the docks (she pouts) but seriously though why are we here again?

Weiss: I've heard that students visting from vacou will be arriving by ship today and as a representative of beacon i feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this kingdom

Y/N: (looks at blake) she just wants to spy on them if she can have the upper hand during the tournament dosent she?

Blake: Yep (she nods)

Weiss: (scoffs) you cant prove that

Y/N: i never said it was a bad thing (shrugs and smiles) might be smart on your idea

Weiss: (blushes a little) y-you think so?

Ruby: woah

As we look at what ruby was looking we saw a store thats was already breaked down seemly already from a robbery as we get closer ruby ask anout what happen detectives talk about how it happen and bringing a bit of the information about the white fang which i loo at blake who stiffens a bit from hearing that

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now