Chapter 20

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As the scene opens up to show Y/N, Ruby and Penny in alleyway that Penny showing her hand revealing machine parts in it as Ruby was looking but didn't understand while Y/N looking at them

Ruby: W-what? I-I don't understand (confused)

Penny: Most girls are born...But i was made I'm the first synthetic person capable to generate a aura (looks down) I'm...not real

Y/N: Nope!

Penny looks at him but than feels someone holding her hand as she turns to see Ruby holding her hand looking at the machine parts that are revealed before closing Penny hand

Ruby: Of course you are real Penny! Just because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than us?

Y/N: Plus Penny (Penny looks at him) you have a aura that means you have a soul and that means you have a heart

Ruby: he's right i can feel it (smiles)

Penny looks at the both of them before smiling and hugging both them while Y/N manged the hug while Ruby struggled

Penny: Oh! you two are best friends anyone could ask for!

Y/N: (thoughts) 'right part machine can't....feel my legs'

Ruby: (muffled) I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower

Penny: (lets both of them go) Oh, he's very sweet. My father's the one that built me! I'm sure you two would just love him!

Ruby: Wow! he build you all by himself?

Penny: Well almost, He had some help from Mr.Ironwood

Ruby: The general? Wait, is that why the soldiers were after you?

Penny: (smiles) They like to protect me too!

Ruby: Pfft. They don't think you can protect yourself?

Y/N: Actually its the contrary

Ruby was confused by what he meant as he turn to ask but he continued

Penny: (looks down) They aren't sure if i'm ready yet...

Y/N: Well i think you are

Both Penny and Ruby were surprised at his respond mostly Penny as they both turn to him and before they could say something he continued

Y/N: Penny you came here for the vytal festival and i don't know what or who told you saying we are in a time of peace maybe its a lie or not (thoughts) 'That's a huge lie for me' (speaks) but that doesn't mean you will be alone. be a robot, fanaus, human, alone or with a team whatever, you always be ready and know that i be with you all the way

Penny smiled at his responds and while Ruby confused but smiles before turning at Y/N raising a eyebrow

Ruby: Hey i thought i was the leader!

Y/N: Eh old habits die hard..(quietly mutters) Not for me...

Atlas soldier: Check down here! (Nearby)

Penny: (worried) You two have to hide

Y/N: Got that covered (picks up Ruby bridal style)

Ruby: (blushes) Eep! Y-Y/N?! W-what are you-

Penny: (looks at Ruby) Friend Ruby Promise me you wont tell anyone about my secret okay?

Ruby: (loses her blush a bit and nods at penny) okay

Y/N: Stay safe penny (smiles at her while she waves goodbye) Hand tight Ruby

Ruby: Wait! What are you-

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now