Chapter 18

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As the scene shows the atlas ships arriving at Beacon while zooming into Ozpin office where the headmaster and Glynda are there looking out the window at Ironwood military

Glynda: (arm crossed)Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels..

Ozpin: Well...running a academy and a military makes him a busy man but yes, those are a bit of a eyesore

At his desk a screen pops up making a beeping sound if allow permission to come in Ozpin office

Ozpin: (presses the screen) Come in

As the elevator doors open up revealing the atlas academy and atlas military General James Ironwood

As the elevator doors open up revealing the atlas academy and atlas military General James Ironwood

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Ironwood: Ozpin!

Ozpin: Hello General

Iroonwood: Please drop the formalities (shakes Ozpin hand) Its been too long (turns to Glynda) and Glynda its certainly been too long since we last met

Glynda: Oh james...(turns to ozpin) i be outside (leaves)

Ironwood: Well she hasnt change a bit

Ozpin: So..(turns to his desk to serve a cup of coffee) what in the world has brought you all the way down here from atlas headmaster don't typically travel with their students for the vytal festival (gives a mug to Ironwood)

Ironwood: Well you know how much i love vale at this time of year (takes out a flask and pours it a bit on his mug) besides with you hosting it i thought this might be a good opportunity to catch up

Ozpin: I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends...however a small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned

Ironwood: Well..concerned is what brought them her

Ozpin: i understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-

Ironwood: Oz...You and I know why i brought those men..

Ozpin: (takes a sip from his mug and sighs) We are in a time of peace (points hand over at the window) shows of power like this...are just going to give off the wrong impression..

Ironwood: But if what Qrow said was true-

Ozpin: If what Qrow said was true we must handle it Tactfully its the vytal festival we are currently at a time to celebrate unity and peace, So i would recommend not to scare people by transporting a hundred of soldiers halfway across the continent

Ironwood: Im just being cautious

Ozpin: As am I...which is why we must continue to train the best huntmen and huntresses we can.

Ironwood: Believe me i am (turns around and leaves but stops a bit) But ask yourself this...Do you believe your children can win a war? (Leaves)

Ozpin: (sighs and looks out his window and frowns) I wish they never had to...

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