Voloume 3 Intro + small Prologue

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Don't worry its Voloume 3 is about start just wanted to start the Ruby talking to her mother grave at this part the rest will be with the rest of the chapter so yea hope you like Volume 3

As the scene starts on a cliff as the sun rises the end of the cliff has a Gravestone, it was a few days before the vytal festival begins as the scene zooms towards the gravestone on the clif

Summer Rose

Thus kindly I scatter

As it shows Ruby with her red cloack covering her head walking to her mother grave before looking at it before she took of her hood from her head

Ruby: Hey, mom. (looks down at her mothers grave) Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, Dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... Dad. (She shurgs a bit) He's still teaching at Signal. But he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you....i miss you too...

Unbeknownst to her a white cloak figure was slowly walking towards her from behind slowly walking towards her

Ruby: Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keep her in line... That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates! Together, we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion.... and theres another member of our Team, his name is Y/N and well, he cares about us, he risk his life to save me from falling down a hole in our mission at mountain glenn, he's nice, has a cool weapon, you would like him he's a Great person, (slight blush and chuckles a bit) Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends, and then I met some... let's just say, uh, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys, too! I guess it's like they say: "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like Uncle Qrow.

As she heard her Dog Zwei bark from nearby as she heard him she smiled and look back at the Grave

Ruby: Oh! Dad's back! I'm staying a few days back here to train along with Yang, the vytal festival starts in a few days and we be thr ones winning this yea, Wish me luck! (She puts on her her hood back on) It was a good talk-Oof! Owie...(she turn quickly bumping into the white cloacked Person falling on her bottom) Dad? But i thought you were...

As it shows Ruby perspective looking up where she couldn't see the person face as she saw the white hood come off from the head as the light was covering the person face only for a hand to reach to Ruby to pick

Summer: Awww..couldn't be your own mother my little rose?(smiles)

Ruby: (eyes widen and tears threatened to drop) M-mom?

Summer: (smiles as tears start to drop) Yes its me Ruby

Ruby: B-but i-i thought you...MOM!!! (crys as she hugs her mother for the first time since she was little)

Summer hugs her back as she start to cry of joy as mother and daughter hug each other as bushes can be heard moving and a dog barking towards the mother and daughter reunion as the scenes floats upwards as it shows Y/N watching the reunion with a small smile before looking at the sun

Y/N: It time...

As the scene changes to pitch black before showing Remnant shattered moon as a red rose petal slowly falls towards a black rose which a white light flys around giving it life before being crushed by multiple Grimm Beowolfs charge towards Beacon Academy

Maybe its Red Like Roses
Maybe its the pool of Blood
The innocents will lay in
When in the end you fail to save them

The scene spins around the amity arena showing team RWBY before changing to JNPR than SSSN and once more to Cinder with Emerald and Mercury only for both of them to jump back as Cinder block a blast only to glare with flames behind her as it shows Y/N that did the attack glaring back with his eyes glowling red and unknown figures behind Y/N with their weapons/stances at Cinder

Their Dying eyes are white like snow
And now they know the cost of trusting you to obliteration

The scene shows Grimm Beowolf and nevermores charging towards Beacon passing though the statue towards Ozpin tower, than it changes to Ozpin along with glynda looking at the elevator in the headmaster offcie as it breaks like glass
Showing the atlasian fleet with Atlas soldiers,

Mirrors will shatter
Crush with the weight of the world
The pillers collapse in shame

The scene shows Blake and Adam passing each other though the forever fall tress as they look back at each other a bit, Adam with a expression of ashamed and Blake with a expression of fear for a bit before looking foward away from each other to see White Fang members with weapons as it shows their symbol burnings in red before the scene changes

There'll be no rest
There be no love
There will be no hero to rise above
And whn it ends
The good will crawl

As the scene shows Grimm chargung towards from the left and team RWBY (without Y/N)and JNPR with students from all around Remnant along with atlas soldiers charging towards the grimm with Beacon academy in the middle before it turns white before seeing team RWBY and JNPR fighting Grimm and WF members, Adam knocking dowm WF members while helping students human and fanaus, Raven and Summer fighting off Grimm, Y/N rushing past them towards Beacon tower as the it shows it before looking at the moon and turning white,

The shinning light will sink in darkness
Victory for hate incarnate
Misery and pain for all

The scene than shows Weiss older sister talking to each before the older sister leaves, than it shows Qrow talking to his nieces before walking towards Weiss older sister as they glare each other before the photo of team STRQ flys by as it zooms to the photo into Qrow weapon in the middle as clockworks spins

When It Falls

As it shows team RWBY and JNPR holding hands while falling down as it shows the JNPR are about to forcefully let go only for golden chains to hold them together as Ruby notices a figure falling down the middle to see Y/N falling the middle of their circle as it shows Y/N falling into darkness before turning into light as the scene ends

A/N: VOLUME 3 IS HERE and side note chapters will be upload at different times sometimes quick or sometimes take a while, thats the only announcement sorry ;-; but yea first chpater of this volume will be arriving so yea bye

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