Chapter 8

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Ruby: Heads up!!! (Falling and screaming)

Y/N: i got her! (Jumps high enough to catch her bridal style and lands on the ground while holding her still

Ruby: (suprised and looks at me who was close to her face and she blush deep red) U-um..t-thank y-you Y/N you c-can put me down n-now

As i put her down i put my hand on her head and mess with her hair and she pushes my hand away to stop messing with her and i hear jaune coming and i sigh and grab him too before he crashed into a tree

Y/N: dude..this like the third time come on

Jaune: (nervously laughs) s-sorry..but thanks man

Y/N: your welcome man what friends for (gives brofist and he glady gives it back)

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I-

I heard bushes and Grimm and i turn around to see where it was comung from and see that nora yelling "Yee-Haw!" On the grimm before killing it

Nora: Awww its broken (leans closer at the dead grimm) Ewww

Ren: Nora...(she looks at him and he is catching his breath) please...dont ever do that again...(looks back to her and notice she was gone)

Nora: Ooh~ (looks at a castle chess piece and grabs before start to have a cheerful singing tone) I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of the castle~

Ren: Nora!!

Nora: Coming ren! (Goes towards him)

Blake: Did that girl ride in on a ursa?

Yang: I-(interrupted again)

As we hear birds flying away and im pretty sure i saw raven and bushes being rumbled though we see pyrrha running and fighting a death stalker and i saw ruby looking at the death stalker before yang call her name

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Yang! (Was about to give her sister a hug before nora intervened)

Nora: Nora!

Summer: what a touching reunion...i think?

Y/N: (thoughts) 'yea i guess also i try not to speak so you hear my thought instead i really dont want to explain why im saying your name or something like that' (she nods)

Blake: did she run all the way here with a death stalker on her trail?

Yang: (angry and annoyed) I cant take it anymore! Could chill out for two seconds

Y/N: ...1...2 (started counting)

Summer: (sighs) glad to see she is alright

Y/N: (thoughts) 'was that sarcasm?

Summer: (sheepishly) maybe

Ruby: um guys (points above to see weiss still hanging on the nevermore)

Weiss: how could you leave me!

Ruby: i said jump

Y/N: can she even hear you? (In low voice)

Blake: shes gonna fall

Ruby: she be fine

Ren: shes falling

Y/N: I got her (jumps and catches her bridal style like ruby) you alright snowflake?

Weiss: (as we land she looks at me and blushes) my hero (puts her on her feet)

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now