Side stories 1

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So little special things so i decide that i needed to add a bit more bondings and information of how i want to go with the story so enjoy this first side storie,

Timeline: After the forever fall events
Event: Fighting the invincible girl

It was sometime after the events of jaundice he got the confident boost needed and help traning by pyrrha his teammates and his friend Y/N they would train ussually in the dorms rooftop, things had calm down but cardin grudge went to Y/N, mad how he always be calmed and always protectjng the fanaus and people he would step to be better to them, currently it was in professor goodwitch class as she asked to participate for the match

Glynda: Raise your hand if you want to participate in the match? (Sees Cardin hand raised) Mister Winchester

Cardin: I would like to fight Y/N (who glares at him)

Glynda looks at Y/N who simply shrugs and gives thumbs up as she sighs

Glynda: Than may the both of you step into the arena

As both of them walk intk the arena team RWBY and JNPR started talking

Yang: Did cardin really ask to fight Y/N?

Nora: He just did oh! What do you think he do shoot him quickly with his laser semblance?!

Ren: I dont think they are laser they feel like..

Blake: Aura? (He nods) it did but when he destroyed the grimm it didnt look like he was exhausted

Jaune: Well he made a shield appear to protect me from cardin? Maybe he can manipulate it? (Turns to pyrrha) what do you think pyrrha?

Said person was staring at the arena as Y/N walked in normally with his weapon on his back and his hands in his pockets wandering if he there more than whats meets the eye with Y/N

Jaune: Uh pyrrha? You okay?

Pyrrha: ah..sorry just he seems so relax ussually when he get into a fight he ussally ready..

Ruby: Well lets see what happens

As they both teams turn to the arena as a screen shows both Y/N and Cardin aura as cardin holding his weapon and Y/N still having his hands on his pockets

Cardin: Your not taking your weapon than you be easy to take out

Y/N: I more than enough to take you down without a weapon Cardin it just sad that the same cant be said for you

As the classes said "Ooo" but cardin just gets pissed from what he said before he reply the glynda started

Glynda: We be using tournament rules if you auras is in red the match is over are both contestants ready (they both said ready) you may Begin!

Cardin immediately charge at Y/N who still had hands on his pockets as he swung at him Y/N simply sidesteps which makes cardin fall foward but than swings again but what happen next before anyone could see
...Y/N struck back

Y/N: (thoughts) 'idoit might as well end it quickly'

Y/N: (thoughts) 'idoit might as well end it quickly'

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