Chapter 32

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As the scene starts with audience clapping and cheering as the scene shows the middle of the arena showing Qrow and Winter on the right side of the arena and Y/N on the left side as the Randomizer still spinning to decide the arena area

Qrow: Well kid, hopefully you don't embarrassed yourself on this fight, you brought this upon yourself

Y/N: Try to keep up than...old man (smirks and shrugs)

Qrow: (annoyed but smirks) its on

Winter: I suggest that you take it seriously Mister L/N, we will not hold back just because your a student or that you requested this match

Y/N: (smiles) I won't either than specialist, Take it as it were a real fight because i won't hold back

Winter: (smirks a bit) than i hope you don't disspoint it would be a shame

Scene shows at the spectators seats with the students participating seating with most students giving cheers specially from Vale and Atlas though one team was a bit more louder than the others....

Ruby: Oh My Goodness!! Y/N is participating!! And he's fighting uncle Qrow and Weiss sister!!?!

Scene than shows team RWBY watching the fight in the arena with different expression with finding out the fight, Ruby had a awed and excited expressions, Weiss had a confused and shocked expression, Yang more shocked expression and Blake had a suprised expression

Weiss: What the- I thought Y/N couldn't enter the tournament?

Blake: Professor Ozpin said that he could fight in the tournament is by a request to the headmaster himself

Weiss: Well he must be insane to fight two experience huntsmen at the same time

Yang: (excited) Well if he's crazy or just trying to show off I bet this will be a heck of a fight!

As scene shows the arena where the middle where the fighters where as the quarters of the arena field rised up, One has tall grass and one tree, another one with a few buildings standing and a few broken down, another had hot spring containing geyser spots along with a small river, and the last one was a small forest as the randomizer for the arena stop, it shows the fight shown in multiple areas also familar Branwen tribe bandits can be seen seeing in their scroll, yet a familar raven bird is seen watching the fight, Adam can be see looking at the arena after taking dowm some White Fang members as he looks at his scroll about the match, as Professor Port gave the countdown

Port: (over P.A system) Three, two, one, begin!

As the sound of a buzzer start for the battle begin the huntsmen and Specialist took out their weapons Qrow took out his harbinger and Winter took out her Rapier as Y/N took out his sword into its gun form and aim at the 2 combatants as both of them and Y/N stare at each other, waiting for one of them to take the first move...

Play any Battle BGM or FF7 Remake Battle theme

Y/N immediately took the first move by shooting at them before running towards them, Qrow and Winter block the shots with their weapons blocking the rounds with their weapons as Y/N throw his sword at Qrow, Hilt first, before sending a flying kick towards Winter, Qrow block the sword thrown at him making it bounce off harbringer as Winter dodged Y/N kick as he grab his sword from the block Qrow did and slash at Winter who counter with a slash clashing their swords as Qrow slash Y/N from his side forcing Y/N to move back before looking above himself seeing he was in the forest area and a big tree branch about to break he moved before it broke and fell onto the ground as Y/N looked back at the broken tree branch he turn to see Qrow who had a small but visible smirk as Winter stab her rabier on the ground as she summon a small nevermores fly towards Y/N, it was the same feature as it were a Grimm but with white color as some of the audience can be heard gasping from the specialist summon

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