Chapter 16

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As the fight was stop to show Y/N surprised to see the mother of Ruby Rose Summer Rose reveal herself to her old team STRQ member Raven Brawen in the emerald forest where no cameras in area either destroyed or not there, as it show the Summer had a calm expression and raven a shocked one

Raven: S-Summer?! B-but h-how

Summer: You alive...(walks close) after all this time you alive i thought something happen to you (stops in front of her and smiles normally) its nice to see you again Raven....

Raven: Summer...Im sor-

She didnt get to finish her words before summer slap her after losing her soft expression Y/N wince seeing that altho Raven holds her hand on her cheek where she was slaped and looks at who the person who lost her nice expression

Summer: Years, Raven Years!! You left us for for 17 Years, no message nor contact or anything Raven!! you just left your own team, Your own family, Your own Daughter without any reason!!

Y/N: (thoughts and winced) ' I think she snaped...'

Summer: And you know what else raven you didnt even bother to save me....i thought you cared...(slowly starts to tear up and looks down to avoid eye contact) d-did we not matter to y-you at all....

Y/N: Summer?..

Summer: Y/N...dont intervene right now... please...

Y/N: (nods) alright...

Summer: Please tell me why...

Raven: I told you summer that Ozpin cant be trusted

Summer: And you think i dont know that!?!? (Shouted at raven who was suprised at her) I know that because i experienced it first try! I was hurt painfully, bleeding, and exhausted i thought i was going to die raven! Until..until he came along (points to Y/N) he saved me and told me about his plan than disappeared and would reappear over those years explain to me and telling me information about how to beat her raven she can be defeated so please come back... (raven just looks away) at least...think about it....(walks away towards Y/N)

Raven: (deeply sighs before turning to Y/N) how do i know you can?

Y/N: (thoughts) 'i mean you are the spring maiden so..' (walks towards) this might be painful...

Raven: What are you....

Y/N quickly puts his hand up to her head than the whloe area turns white before showing a whloe waste land before it change to final stand with remants fights fighting salem forces than shows the people who fight them most adults the were in ozpin and salem inner circle perished or disappear and the students that fought for them were either killed or died fighting salem or her pawns before showing a familar figure looking at a dead student as she takes off her grimm mask revealing that it was Raven and the dead person was her daughter Yang before returning back to the forest as Raven fell on her knees gasping for air

Raven: What....what was that? (Panting over the strain and emotions)

Y/N: One of the most likely futures Remanet would have

Summer: i thought you couldn't-

Y/N: you were easier to explain and believed and raven well she needed proof otherwise she wouldn't believe me (thoughts) 'and i think i now messed up the battle for haven'

Raven: That was....i didnt...yang...she..

Y/N: She fought to defeat her or and you did nothing but hide raven thats why i call you a coward you arent strong and you never will be strong because you hide even if you had the power to be strong you just hide and do nothing (he than looks at her seeing a bit tears dropping from raven face and thoughts) ' she really crying?'

Hero of a other Worlds: REMNANT (a RWBY X OP!Malereader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now