Chapter 1

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Mei wakes up screaming and dripping in a cold sweat, she was dreaming of the love of her life and the one she lost. Yuzu. Looking next to her she sees her husband of almost 2 years. While looking down at the man she married a fear of dread washes over her droves, not only that she is laying next to a man that she does not love and does not care for. All she knows is that he is after her families money nothing more nothing less. He does not even want a child with her which she is grateful for, but every night they sleep on the same bed. While thinking all she wants is her step sister warmth. She gets up and out of bed while she is thinking to her self.

"Why now. Why did I just dream of Yuzu"

Looking back on what happened that night she can remember the look of her ex face, which haunts her to this very day, and all that she can do now is cry, While walking to her on suite bathroom to towel herself down and change her night clothes.

The raven haired women walks back into her bedroom after sorting her self out and gets back into bed without waking her husband up.

After what seems like an eternity Mei gets back up and goes to her living room with her mobile phone which she has finally got the hang off using. She unlocks it and scrolls through her contacts and hovers over the name Yuzu. She is debating weather to call or to send a text.

"What am I doing" Mei asks herself. Followed by

"Do you really expect an answer"

Mei sits there and ponders for a while and opts for the easier option of sending a text as it is still too early to call.

"Dear Yuzu.

I'm sorry for contacting you out the blue but I was just wondering how you were doing. I know I should have asked you before now and I am sorry for sending this message. Hoping to hear back from you.

Love Mei"

With this she sends the text and instanly regrets that she added love Mei. Which is by now far too late and gets on with her day.

Meanwhile Yuzu is fast asleep and hears her phone go off while in a sleeping state she swipe her phone to see who it was texting her so early in the morning. When she read the name "Mei" her heart jumped and she starting shaking. looking across at her new girlfriend with silver hair thinking that she is quite lucky because it was by chance that they are now together, thinking back on that encounter she cannot help herself but smile.

Yuzu was on one of her shopping trips with her best friend Harumin but instead of going to their normal place they both decided to venture out. They were lost but found a nice big shopping mall that looked great and Without hesitation they both looked at each other and nodded. While having a break and drink in the forecourt Yuzu heard a familiar voice

"Yuzu is that you"

"Sara" the blonde replied

Being a bit excited both of the girls were a bit loud and overjoyed that they have finally met again, even though they talk quite a bit on the phone. Yuzu asked Sara to spend some time with her and Harumin

After a while of going in and out of shops the girls decide to have another break and grab some food when Sara out of the blue asked Yuzu a question

"Are you seeing anybody yet"

The blonde replied "No not at the moment I don't think I'm ready"

"Yuzu" Harumin piped up "Its been 2 years move on"

"Hey Sara" said the auburn haired girl

"Why don't you take her out on a date"

Both Yuzu and Sara blushed really hard.
"Harumin" Yuzu shouted which made the Sara blush even harder.

"Sara would not go on a date with me. How weird would that be. She did like that one"

"And your point would be" her best friend said.

"You both liked the same girl carnt be all that bad"

Harumin pulled the blonde to the side and whispered in her ear

"Take a chance you never know and I can tell she might actually go for it"

Yuzu turned around and looked at her freind and asked her if she would like to go on a date with her"

Shyly she replied "Yes"

While Yuzu was remember how she and and her girlfriend got together, she did not notice that she was shaking and the fact that Sara was awake, until she spoke

" what's the matter Yuzu I can feel you shaking"

Without saying a word the blonde shows her girlfriend, her phone not wanting to hide anything from her even though they had only been dating a few weeks. All that Sara could say was

" wow that's unexpected"

"That's the understatement of the year. Its been 2 years! Why the hell is she texting me now"

With this she turns to her girlfriend and just embraces her tightly. Not wanting to let go until she felt that it was safe. With both of them now awake Yuzu suggests that they go out for breakfast which Sara happily agrees too.

They both get dressed and decide to go to a cafe that they have been to before. Yuzu orders her usual of poached egg on toast with a large caramel latte while her girlfriend chooses something different for a change and asks for pancakes. Yuzu could off cooked both of these meals herslef but with the circumstances of the morning she really could not concentrate on cooking.

While eating their breakfast Sara asks Yuzu

"What are you going to do about that text"

Yuzu takes a swig of her latte and says

"Nothing. Why should I. She left me remember"

Sara could see the anguish on Yuzu face and says

"give me Mei number I will contact her on your behalf"


Sara tried to explained her self a bit more by saying.

"Yuzu I know what you must thinking but listen to me please and do not interrupt me"

Taking a deep breath she continues

"Yuzu you were hurt! You need a proper explanation and I know that you cannot face her and I know you still love her. Not only that you are STEP sisters. You need proper closure let me talk to her first and let's go from there"

"Like hell I still love her, I done everything for that woman, no sorry I done everything for that child and she threw everything away"

"Yuzu" Sara quickly said catching the blonde full attention

"I know what you are saying, but this moment you are not thinking correctly. You at this precise moment are my girlfriend so let me do this for you please."

Yuzu sits back in her chair and a big mouthful off her latte and contemplates what she would like to do. Sara then pipes up and says

" Look let's just eat our yummy breakfast and you can tell me later what you want to do"

"Yeah let's go with that, let's eat our lovely breakfast"

Both of the girls eat the remainder of their food in silent, both thinking on what to next.

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