14 - Gamma Pi Nu

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Last week's dinner was great. As the night went on, it was easy to be quiet and let Ariel and Liam take over the conversation. When they immersed themselves on the topic of hot novela stars, Elvi leaned over and asked: "Does it bother you that they hit it off?"

I understand why she asked. Because Liam and Ariel click in a way as if they've known each other all their life. Ever since we went out for pizza, they text each other frequently, and their conversations are solely memes and TikToks.

I shake my head and smile. "He hated my last girlfriend, so this dynamic is new to me. But I like it."

Now I'm sitting outside Ariel's lecture hall, trying to blend in with the rest of the student body with a pair of non-prescription glasses, a BU baseball cap, and a book. All of Liam's suggestions. After several hours of studying last night, a cheesy late-night phone call would give her a nice break. We then planned to spend the rest of the day after her final together.

It isn't much of a plan, I am just excited to spend as much time as I can with her before the season kicks off, and I essentially live and breathe stadium air.

Little by little, students trail out of the room. When Ariel finally steps out, she doesn't spot me immediately. The last winds of spring block her eyesight with the long strands of bangs. She tucks the hair behind her ear. When she looks my way, questionably squinting as if she's asking herself-- is that him? Doing both of us a favor, my hand comes up and waves. I stand, grabbing the drinks I brought for us, and Ariel scurries my way, places her arms on my shoulders, jumps, and wraps her legs around my waist as I hold on tightly to our drinks.

"I take it you passed?"

The spring winds expose Ariel's light lemony and lavender scent. I take a deep breath before she decides to put her feet back on the ground.

"Oh, I won't have my grade anytime soon. That was pure excitement for you, Park," Ariel says. She gazes at my appearance from head to toe. "Look at you all in disguise. Liam told me I'd find you out of character. I guess this is what he meant."

"I know you don't like all the attention, so I figured I'd superman-it."

"Well, you failed because I find you very hot with the glasses. Like I wouldn't look past you, you'd make me do a double-take."

A quiet laugh escapes my lips. Unsure how to respond, I say: "I know it's only nine, so I figured I'd bring some caffeine."

Ariel smiles. "You're absolutely the sweetest." She looks at the two drinks, then up at me. "Which one's yours?"

"Neither," I say. "I wanted you to have options."

"Hmm." Ariel looks back and forth between the iced matcha and iced mocha before pointing at my chest.

"What does that mean?" I ask. "You want both? Neither?"

"It means I want you, ya tall drink of water."

I chuckle. "You could have me anytime."

She looks up at me and tip-toes closer. I shut my eyes and part my lips for what I think will be a kiss. Instead, I feel Ariel run her tongue over my lips and laugh. My eyes shoot wide open. Ariel takes this chance to grab the iced mocha from my hand and take a sip.

"Did you just lick me?"

Ariel holds the iced mocha up to her lips with nothing but mischief across her expression. "Would you like me to lick you somewhere else?"

Her words stun me to say the least. She shouldn't be allowed to say these things to me. Not in public. Not when I can't do a single thing about it.

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