32 - Wonder

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What looks like was meant to be a private romance, beloved Bandits Quarterback Oliver Park couldn't help express just how he feels about fellow teammate Uriel Herrera's sister, Ariel.

A source said that the two aren't dating yet, but by the looks of it Oliver's knocking it out of the park.

"Oliver definitely has interest in dating Ariel, but there is definitely a conflict between their schedules so it's hard to see each other," a source told the outlet. "They have many mutual friends and have hung out a couple times in the past. They both have very vibrant personalities and similar interests."

Park and ex-girlfriend Serena Wescott were last photographed dining out in Boston in February. Park was spotted with Ariel a few months after on a run with Ariel. "Oliver and Ariel have been seeing each other for months now," the source continued. "They started as close friends but it became more romantic after April."

Like her brother, Ariel also holds a love for football. And through her recents tweets she seems to both critique and praise Park's game strategy.

Tweet: Run the goddamn ball, Park.

Tweet: TD! I could kiss you right about now.

We still have yet to receive comment from either of the two, but we're certain it won't be long to get confirmation on their relationship.

"When did this article get released?"

"Twenty minutes ago," Liam answers.

Where do we go from here? I'm confident enough to say I have no fucking clue. My phone is blasting with notifications from just about anyone and everyone. Ally's name pops up with texts and phone calls, but I'm not ready to be murdered just yet. My friends and sisters are waiting for me to say something. Anything to explain what some online tabloid managed to catch.

One kiss. One picture. That's all it took for me to screw this up. I lay my head down on the carpet floor and stare up at the popcorn ceiling.

"Who the fuck is the source?" Jake pushes. "Who would know these things?"

"Are we not going to address the fact that you were Ariel's celebrity crush?" Liam asks. "That's winning at life. Could have been Boston's other sweetheart Chris Evans, but it was you."

"My best bet? Probably one of her sorority sisters," Naz answers Jake. "Although, if it is-- I'd hate to be the person on the end of that conversation stick. Ariel is scary when she's angry."

"I can't quite picture her angry," Liam says.

"Exactly," Naz said. "I've only seen her angry once and man, was she calm. Her expression definitely gave me American Psycho vibes."

The doorbell rings and Liam stands to open it.

"So what happened?" Hera questions. "I thought you two..."

"It's complicated," I sigh. "Our issue was never about trust. She lied, it hurt, and it took me time to understand why, but I did. And I let it go. Because having her in my life was more important than getting worked up over something I can't change."

"So how come you're not together?"

I catch Jake's eyes. He mirrors my saddened expression.

"Because there's too much at risk if we are."

I sit up off the floor. Our heads turn to Liam and Ariel. She had changed out of her dress, but her hair and makeup looked untouched since I...

"Paparazzi showed up to the formal about thirty minutes after you left. I didn't know what was happening until I had cameras and microphones in front of my face as they kept asking for confirmation on us. Had to lose them on the way here." Ariel takes a deep breath. "I know this has been hard on you because you've had a lot to keep from your friends for my sake, but I'm here to fix that."

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