12 - When the Party's Over

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When Jake walks off the stage, he comes back over to us. And soon, another person gets up to sing.

"Well, that was embarrassing," Jake says. He takes a seat between Naz and me, running his hands over his cheeks to hide his blush.

"Are you kidding? You killed it up there." Ariel pats his shoulder.

"You really did," Naz says softly. Jake's expression softens before looking at me and composing himself to hide what he's feeling.

"Thank you," Jake smiles. "Someone thought it would be funny to make me sing my shower song."

"I didn't think it was funny. I thought it was a smart choice." I place my hand over my heart. "It was heartfelt. You knew the lyrics, so it'd be easy for you to lock eyes with someone special in the crowd."

Jake turns to Naz. "This is the part we put the past behind us, and you start to spew out embarrassing stories about Oliver."

Naz doesn't hesitate. "Ariel, did you know--"

"I'll share embarrassing information on Jake if you don't finish that sentence," I counter.

Naz sheepishly smiles. "I will miss our truce, Jakin."

Jake rubs the back of his head. "Well, who says it has to end?"

A loud clash turns heads, and several gasps from the crowd follow.

"Don't fucking touch my girl, Herrera," a voice booms.

"Ah, shit," Ariel mumbles. She radios Alyah to get security to the dance floor.

Jake and I follow Ariel through the center of the crowd's attention. I cringe to see Uriel on the floor with a bloody nose. Ariel and I rush over to pull him up. Uriel runs his hand under his nose, smearing the blood over his hand.

"Uriel, please," Ariel whispers. "Please. Tobias isn't worth it." The regret is evident on his face, but his pride shines brighter than any spotlight in that bar. He shrugs her off.

"I wasn't trying to touch your girl. Kira just wanted to get the hell away from you," he retorts.

"What happens between me and my girl is none of your business," Tobias says. He pushes Uriel back, but Jake and I are right behind him to keep him from falling.

Jake is quick to step forward and snap back. "What the hell is your problem?"

"What are you gonna do about it?" Tobias challenges. He gestures to all the people with phones in their hands. "Are you really in a place to get involved in the business just some little nobody like me?"

Jake crumples his hand into fists but keeps his arms to his side. I place my hand on Jake's shoulder and shake my head.

I lean over and whisper in Naz's ear. "Can you and Jake take Uriel to the bar and get some ice and a rag?"

Naz nods. When Jake doesn't move, Naz wraps her fingers around his wrist and takes him with her. Jake doesn't look back. Because if he did, he'd probably come back swinging.

"Tobias, I'm going to ask you and your girlfriend to leave," Ariel states.

His eyes don't leave Ariel, but he doesn't respect her request. "Having a good night, Park?"

Ariel takes a couple of steps closer "Toby--"

Tobias cuts her off. "Be honest with yourself, Ariel. You know he won't stick around when the skeletons in your closet start to poke out. Not when he has so many viable options other than you."

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