19 - The Phone Call

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Saturday practice is long and tiresome, but it produces an overall good day. That is until Coach Beau makes his last announcement.

"Great job, everyone. The preseason will begin next week. The lineup for the first two games is posted outside my office."

The rookies and most backup players rush toward the locker room since a majority of them will play the preseason games. Preseason allows rookies and backups to shine and show why they're worth having on the team. We start the preseason with ninety people on the team, and by the time the actual season starts, there will only be fifty-three of us.

Liam and Jake rush with them, getting caught up in the excitement of the others. By the time Luke and I enter, Liam and Jake have made their way to the back of the murmuring crowd.

"Well, Oliver's about to lose his marbles," Liam mutters.

"Over," I draw out.

"Herrera isn't listed to play the first game," Jake says.

"Oh. Well--"

Jake scratches the back of his head. "He isn't listed for the second game either."

This information would be easier to accept if Herrera was the opposite of an average player. Since practice began, he's been killing it out on the field, and it's hard to believe that the coaches would decide to bench him for the first two games.

When Coach Beau comes out of his office, he silently stares at the players before briefly locking eyes with me, then scurrying away before I have the chance to talk to him. Thanks to my long legs, I tail right behind him.

"Coach," I shout.

"Every decision is final, Park. None of which is your concern."

That only makes me more concerned. It's only a preseason game, so what does it matter if I ask him about Uriel? And how would he know I was approaching him about the roster.

"I just wanted to know why you don't have Herrera listed in either one of those games."

Coach Beau stops in his tracks and turns around. "He'll have his time, just like everyone else will."

"If you're switching out players every quarter, that's forty-four players in one game. In two games? There are only two players not accounted for in those two games."

"I'm glad you know basic arithmetic," Coach chuckles. "You're the other player currently not accounted for. It doesn't mean you won't get to warm up during the preseason."

But if that's true, why not have a veteran player like Luke, Caleb, Jake, or Ryan sit out?

"I know he had an injury last year, and he's made quite a recovery, but I want to take it easy on him."

How could I forget? Ariel told me he tore his MCL and PCL.

"I understand, coach."

Coach Beau is, in some form, like a strict father figure since my actual dad is pretty loving and understanding.

Liam once told my dad he'd wish my dad could adopt him. My dad responded with: "Send me the papers and tell me where to sign!"

Although I constantly argued with Coach, he was aware of the great respect I had for him. He is my constant and biggest challenger, making me a better player than I was before.

"Oh, and Park? Don't challenge my choices. I only do what's best for the team."

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