6 - The NFL Draft

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April 22, 2020

The NFL Draft usually takes place at the Radio City Music Hall, but this year the officials are having drafts in Las Vegas. Liam, Naz, and I check into one of the suites in the Venetian Resort. We didn't mind sharing a room altogether, but Naz is a blanket hogger, and Liam is an unconscious cuddler. I've shared a bed with both of them too many times to suffer that on this trip.

Liam and I only plan on attending the draft on the first day and part of the second day. Naz wanted to join us for part of her spring break, so we figured we'd go sightseeing for the rest of our time here.

"I needed some sun," Naz says. She looks out the balcony and places on some sunglasses.

"Well it's like thirty degrees back at home so-" I shrug.

"What time does the draft start tomorrow?" Naz asks.

"At five. So we could have breakfast, head to the strip, and explore. Maybe find a place to have lunch there," Liam suggests.

Naz comes back into the room. She was wearing a spaghetti strap crop top with a maxi skirt. I look over to Liam, who is wearing shorts and a short-sleeve button-up.

"Yeah, I can get photos of you and Liam for you to post on Instagram."

"Anything for the little sis," Liam takes Naz into a hug. Naz wraps her arms around his torso.

Occasionally Naz, Liam, and I like to send the fans and the media into a mass frenzy about Liam and Naz. We've stumbled on quite a bit of fanfiction here and there. Naz tells me it's well written, but the personalities are so off. She'd never fall for the sarcastic, stubborn, bad boy type. And one of my friends? No way. Besides, Naz says the best fanfictions are the ones between Liam and me.

"We're going to slay those photos," Naz says. "Maybe I can recommend you to Ariel for her senior photos in the Fall. Hopefully, your photography isn't as rusty as your flirting."

Pulling the camera strap over my head, I look down at my camera and remove the lens. Her words remind me of a pending question I have.

"So uh Naz," I start saying. I glance over to Liam before placing my focus back on Naz. "When did you and Jake become friends?"

"We're not," she quickly answers. "Why?"

Liam mimes an overreacting expression meant just for me to see. I laugh. Naz turns to see the commotion, but Liam recovers before she can see.

"It's just that he hasn't been over the house since we had drinks in the wine room, and he said you were right about me being rusty."

"Don't you tell your friends everything?"


Naz looks at Liam to fact-check my statement. Liam nods. "It's true. I didn't find out he and Serena were on a break first semester junior year in college until your cousin Barbara interrupted our skype call; she kicked Oliver's dorm door wide open with party horns, confetti party poppers, and champagne."

"Babs is nothing if not extravagant," Naz smiles. "That girl doesn't know how to do simple."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure if Liam was there with us, he'd be opening up that champagne."

"Please," Liam scoffs. "I'm more of a Cabernet Sauvignon kinda guy."

Naz doesn't say a word for a couple of seconds until Liam speaks up for her. "Let's get lunch. I'm hungry," he says. As soon as the door opens Naz leaves first. Liam gives me a playful look.

"She didn't answer the question," I say.

"She didn't need to," Liam says. "That said everything."

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