26 - Pad Thai and Prescriptions

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Arriving home takes me into a further foul mood. Jake and Naz are back with the food, and as my friends are halfway through dinner at the dining table, they're shocked to see me alone. I take a seat at the end of the table beside Hera. They hand me fried rice, some wontons, and a Pad Thai.

"We thought you were bringing Ariel back with you," Luke says. "Jake added Pad Thai, no beansprouts and extra peanuts just for her."

Something in me falters. It's sweet of them to remember her order. But how the hell am I going to explain this situation to them? Oh, um. Don't order Ariel any food for a while. We kinda -- but not really-- broke up so that we can keep her double-life underwraps. Also, if you notice her bandaged ankle, no you didn't.

Were we saying the break-up was mutual? On a break? I can already hear them asking why Ariel and I would need a break. I don't need a break from her, I could barely keep my hands off of her.

I should have further discussed this with Ariel instead of getting my last dose of hanky-panky.

"Earth to Oliver," Hera calls out. "You good? Luke mentioned Ariel and you looked like that meme of the lady with all the math symbols."

"Part of me wants to go back." It's an honest response. The only honest thing I could think of at the moment.

"So why don't you?"

I look up from my plate and meet Naz's soft gaze. Her question stumps me. I could have stayed. I could have left in the morning, but if I did that I knew it would have been harder to leave. I would have woken up to that cute sleepy little face of the deviant blanket hogger and I would have melted.

"You think that by now he'd be out of the honeymoon phase," Hera says.

"It's not a phase, mom!" Liam laughs. "I don't think I ever recall him being this obsessive with Serena."

"I am not obsessive."

"Hmm." Hera's sly smile usually means trouble. "The sex must be good then?"

Goosebumps run from my face to the rest of my body. I didn't want to talk about this. Not because I didn't trust them with any of this, but I have a feeling this conversation won't end well. "Um. Ariel and I haven't-- We haven't, at least not in the stereotypical, traditional sense..."

They turn to each other as if I've given them the plot twist of the century. TMI? Probably.

Jake nods. "Are you waiting for the right moment to present itself or is this something more along the lines of making it special?"

"I was waiting to make it special."


I don't make any eye contact as I use my chopsticks to pick up some of the Pad Thai noodles. "We broke up." All the movement at the table ceases. I try not to look up, but it's so difficult when you can feel everyone's eyes on you. "Safe to say, I've ruined dinner."

Eyes dart between each other, as if saying: which one of us is going to say something first. Leave it to Liam to always break the ice. "Would you like to discuss it or would you like us to talk about something else?"

"Something else. Please."

As the group respects my wishes and begins to discuss something else, Naz keeps her eyes on me. She's got that annoying little sister stare. The one that says I'm not going to stop until you spill the beans. If I stare back long enough, she'll cough out exactly what she wants to know. Keeping quiet is easy when Pad Thai finds its way into my mouth.

"You broke up with her," Naz says.

Technically I did, so it feels right to nod. Her statement was more of a question because she seemed caught off guard by the response.

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