2 - Ready

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February 23, 2020

The word "ready" is strange. You can be ready for an exam and still not pass it. People in sports can be ready for a game and still not win. I can be ready to take the next step in my relationship and yet end up single. Then we're as prepared as we think we are. But in the end, we'll tell ourselves we weren't as we should have been. I'm still trying to get there.

I lay upside down on my bed, staring out my door when the doorbell rings. A few seconds pass before it rings again. And again.

"I'm going!" Nasira rushes past my door. She then slowly walks back to spot me. "Didn't you hear the doorbell?"

"I did. I just chose not to be the one to answer."

There's only a couple of people who annoyingly ring the doorbell like that, and I made sure to give one of them a key. Guess Liam forgot it even though I've told him multiple times to attach it to the rest of his keys.

"Why? It's not like you're doing anything."

"Just go answer the door," I shoo. Naz rolls her eyes and makes her way down the stairs.

Along with my friends, I haven't spoken to my sisters about what happened two weeks ago. I assume they're under the impression that Serena and I got into an argument and haven't worked out the kinks. On some level, that's true, but there's nothing more to fix.

"Oliver!" I hear from downstairs.

Liam's shout isn't all that hard to recognize. I scramble out of bed, walk through the hallway, and peer down the balcony into the living room. Jake, Luke, and Liam stand beside Nasira, who was holding the front door open.

"Let's go out tonight," Liam says. He steps inside, followed by Luke then Jake.

"I'll pass," I reply.

"I know Serena's got you on some weird diet, but it doesn't hurt to have a drink or two," Jake insists. As I open my mouth to give the boys an excuse, Nasira speaks first.

"The alcoholic is right. God knows how much you could use a couple of drinks," she says. Nasira shuts the door behind them, crosses her arms, and leans against the door.

"God also believes in drinking in moderation," I counter.

"Come on, man. Live a little," Jake insists.

I sigh. I scratch the side of my head as my nose scrunches up. I want to turn them down because if we do drink, I might manage to feel worse.

"We don't have to overdo it," Liam assures.

"You'll have to forgive him. He's having girlfriend issues," Nasira says. The boys turn to her. "Won't tell us what happened, so I think it's pretty bad."

"All the more reason to go," Jake responds.

I shut my eyes and sigh "I'm not going out for drinks." I turn back to the hallway and head to my room. My back meets my bed as the guys drag their heavy steps up the stairs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luke says upon entering my room.

Even after two weeks, "ready" isn't the word I'd use to describe my ability to talk about this. Heartbroken wouldn't be the correct term either. The first couple of days-- pain, then numbness. Now nothing.

Friends? She texted me earlier this week.

Now nothing but anger.

"She broke up with me."

None of them say anything, and their expressions are far from pitiful. If my eyes deceive me, Liam might actually be smiling.

"Honestly," Jake says. "I think it was inevitable."

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