18 - Wedding Bells

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"He's not sure whether or not he still feels something for this other person," Naz clarified. "And I feel I can't be angry at him because at least he was honest. It doesn't change that it hurts."

Naz didn't tell me any more than that. Instinctually, my heart sided with Naz. Every bone in my body told me to protect her-- to fight Jake-- but it was my mind that reminded me it was much more complicated than that. Human beings are complicated, thus is love.

Which is how we found ourselves in the current predicament a few days later.

"Why do you look like your grandmother just died?" Jake asks.

I elbow him in his ribcage.

"Ow. What do you want me to say? This should be one of the happiest days of his life, and he looks like he just received the worst news possible."

Charlotte is already at the chapel. It seems that she and the rest of the guests are ready to hear vows. And we are currently gathered in Luke's bedroom, trying to get him to stop pacing.

"Luke," I say. Jake and I stare at him for a few seconds until he realizes we've been staring for quite a while. "You're not getting cold feet, are you?"

Jake scoffs. "Look at him. He's probably suffering from frostbite."

I glare at Jake, who doesn't dare meet my eyes.

He stops pacing and looks at both of us. "I'm fine, really. Fine. I am."

"If you're thinking about running away--" Jake places his hand on Luke's shoulder-- "so help me, I will track you down, slap some sense into you, and drag you into that chapel before you leave your soulmate."

Luke stops pacing. "I don't have cold feet," he clarifies. "I'm reciting my vows in my head, trying to make sure I don't forget anything. I'd like to stare my wife in the eyes when I say these words."

The smile on his face widens, and his eyes begin to water.

"Then why did you look so sad?"

"Because," Luke sighs. "I only have one chance to get this right, and if I fuck this up, I will never let it go."

Liam pops into the room. "Ariel just texted me. She and Elvi are at the chapel."

I look down at my phone but don't see any new messages. I shove my phone back into my pocket and turn my focus on Luke.

Jake sighs. "Do you remember what you told me? That night I asked you, how do you know someone is it for you? You said--"

"They tell you they love you without saying it," Luke says.

"So stop worrying about saying all the right things. You've shown Charlotte, and continue to show her, all of us-- a love we are capable of giving and a love we deserve. Now, let's get going."

Luke, Jake, Liam, and I quickly make our way into the chapel through a side door. Liam trips on a cable, causing a light laugh from the guests. Jake stands behind Luke. Behind Jake stands his brothers, then me and Liam. Across from us stood Charlotte's bridesmaids. A couple of friends I remember meeting at one of her birthday parties.

We wait patiently in front of everyone for the music to start. My eyes rake through the crowd. I spot my sisters and my parents in the pews. My mom leans over to my dad, surely something about how handsome her little boy looks.

Naz shifts uncomfortably and doesn't bother to even look over this way. I look over to Jake, who has his eyes focused on her. Hera, on the other hand, is pointing sideways. She winks then gestures 'ok' with her hand.

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