10 - Endings for Beginnings

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"Sex is not the answer, Jakin," Naz groans.

"You're damn right that it isn't," Jake responds. "Sex is the question. 'Yes' is the answer."

Liam is stuffing his face with pizza as if he's watching a crucial scene from one of his K-Dramas or Novellas. If a show offers English subtitles, the man will watch it.

Naz turns to me. "And he's the most 'experienced' of your friends?"

I shrug. "Dating wise? Yes. I'd say Jake is the most experienced and successful at it. If you want someone successful in the relationship department, talk to Luke."

"And where is he now? Why isn't he here with us?" Naz asks.

"He and Charlotte went home to Minnesota. They figured they'd stop by with wedding invitations," Liam answers. He turns to me. "Did you remember to text Luke about the recipes?"

Without a word, my unoccupied hand makes its way to my pocket and brings my phone out. I shoot Luke a text.

"What recipes?" Ariel asks.

"Luke keeps talking about how much he misses his mom's cooking,  but the sweet, beautiful man's Achilles heel is burning everything he cooks," Jake says. "So we told him to give us the recipes, and we'd make them."

"He once flew out over a weekend just to bring home some mango and guava duff along with baked lobster and conch mac and cheese," Liam says. "I keep telling him his mom would make a profit if she opened a restaurant."

"I didn't take you as someone who cooks," Naz says to Jake. It's not to discredit his ability, it's genuine curiosity.

Jake sighs. "When you're practically left to raise your younger siblings after your parents separate, you learn some life skills along the way."

"I'll drink to that," Liam sips his Cherry Pepsi.

Ariel gives my hand a light squeeze. I glance at her, but her eyes are on a frowning Naz. My thumb runs over Ariel's in a back and forth soothing motion. Despite the evident sadness in her tired eyes, Naz curls the corners of her lips into a smile. As if she understands what they've both gone through.

"You didn't raise them to be nymphomaniacs like you, did you?" Naz asks Jake.

"Satyromaniac," I say. The four of them exchange glances before turning their puzzled attention to me. I feel like I should be embarrassed saying this aloud. Maybe I should be embarrassed just for knowing this information. I sigh. "He'd be a Satyromaniac, not a nymphomaniac."

"It makes me think of Phil from Hercules," Ariel smiles.

"Exactly! He's actually the perfect PG example of why the term--"

"Stop," Naz and Jake say simultaneously. 

"Don't it," Naz continues. "Don't fall down your rabbit hole of an explanation that will only embarrass you the further down you go."

"I don't have an excessive sexual desire. I don't even sleep with the majority of the people I date," Jake says. "I have enough self-respect and respect for them not to, but of course, you would assume the worst from a joke, Nasira."

Jake masks his sour expression with a playful smile. Liam and I lock eyes, and Liam's eyes widen. Jake's expression doesn't go unnoticed.

"Jake, I didn't mean--"

"Hold that thought, please. I have to run to the restroom." Jake pushes back his chair and makes his way to the bathroom.

My phone rings. I assume it's Luke, so don't bother to check the caller ID. "Hey, man. You got my text for the recipe?"

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