28 - Back to Blüdhaven

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I enter Blüdhaven-- something I haven't done in months. The bell above the door rings when the door's corner touches it. People turn their head and are quick to turn back. Murmurs among customers increase and the atmosphere vibes fill with unanimous disappointment.

It doesn't surprise me given that our game against the Arizona Roadrunners didn't go our way. I thought I had been feeling off the entire week, but Ariel's backup really blew our chances with that game.

I couldn't tell if seeing Elvi would do me any good.

Unfortunately, the less time I've spent here, the less time I've spent with Elvi. I want to say it's the busy football schedule, but really I prioritized my time with Ariel as much as possible.

The last time I had seen Elvi was Luke's wedding, but the last time we got to talk and hang out was the day I moved in with Liam.

When I reach the bar, Elvi has her back to me. She's brewing some latte with some dainty art on top. When she turns around her eyes gleam and her dimpled smile welcomes me.

"Hey, hey! If it isn't Boston's beloved sweetheart," Elvi laughs. "It's good to see you."

"I don't know about that," I shake my head. "Not after this weekend's loss."

"Well you'll always be a winner to me," Elvi says.

I scrunch my nose. "That's such a mom thing to say. Like, that's something you say after your kid loses their little league game."

"You look like you could use some cheering up."

I sigh. I do need some cheering up, but I don't think I'll have a clear mind until I address other present problems aside from football.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Elvi hesitates. "This doesn't have to do with--"

"We don't have to talk about it," I quickly cut off. "I don't know what you know and it's best if we don't reveal more than what you know."

There was no guarantee that Elvi knew everything. Ariel's parents didn't know and I'd like to think that if Elvi knew, she'd knock some sense into the twins.

Elvi nods. "Yeah, sure. Did you want anything to drink?"

I pull my phone out of my pocket and open up my text messages. "Yeah, I'll have an iced mocha and... an iced americano?"

"Someone you're meeting?" She turns her back to me as she prepares the drinks.

"Yeah actually," I put my phone away and place a twenty on the bar counter. "I'll be over in my usual corner."

I walk over to my spot, set my over the shoulder bag down and slide into the booth. I pull a book out of my bag and open it up to my last reading spot. I don't get too far when Elvi walks over with the two drinks.

Elvi sets the drinks down on the table. She tilts her head to get sight of the title. "Rebels of the Sand," she reads. "Young adult should not be that..."

"...Concupiscent?" I fill in.

"I would have said suggestive, racy, or risqué. Maybe even smutty. But the talking dictionary chose concupiscent."

I suppress a smile. The bell above the door rings and my eyes turn to the door. Elvi follows my eyes and watches the entering figure come toward us.

"Cute date," Elvi says. "Let me know if you two need anything."

"Hi," I say.

"Hey." Jake slides into the booth and takes a sip of his iced americano. "You sure this is the best place to talk about this? Her sister is here."

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