30 - Oliver Park and the Olympians

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Ariel is going to kill me. If not for my lack of focus, it'll be for the lack of throws her way. I must have tossed the ball maybe once or twice in her direction which wouldn't be any issue, had she not been open for most of practice.

My advice for anyone is: if you think you can escape your girlfriend's wrath because you're not allowed to be near each other or because you've gone into the men's showers, you are absolutely-- most doubtedly-- fucking wrong.

I am strolling bare toward a shower stall-- which aside from dividing the space, the stalls do nothing for privacy-- no door, no curtain. I pull my towel off my shoulder and hang on the hook before running the water.

I shut my eyes and let the warm water hit my face. Then the water shuts off. A hand lands on my bicep and pushes me against the wall. Ariel's anger is apparent on her face.

"What the hell was that?"

"Is now really the best time and place to discuss this? Because I don't if you know this, but this is not at all how I imagined you seeing me naked for the first time." Ariel's eyes are about to trail down, but I push her chin up with an index finger. "Naugh. Ty."

Her face feels hot. "I came in here to yell at you anyway."

I'd rather have you screaming.

Ariel scoffs. "Seriously?"

I cringe. "Did I say out loud?"

This breaks her. She pinches her nose bridge and begins to tremble. For what I quickly confuse as crying reveals to be a hearty laughter.

"It's not very nice to laugh at a naked man, you know," I mutter. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about today. I freaked out and I know I shouldn't have."

This shifts her focus back to being angry. "You're the one who decided it was best for me to continue on this team. And while I think you're right, you never actually bothered to ask me if that's what I wanted. Everything you've said-- to me and Coach Beau-- it sounds supportive. But whatever the hell happened out on that field today told me something else."


"Please. Don't. I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully none of this will be a problem by our next game."

With nothing else to say, Ariel sneaks her way out.

>>           >>           <<           <<

"Wait," Jake says. "When did I take off my clothes?" He looks down at the rest of his body as he stands in boxer briefs and dress socks.

I lean my head back and catch sight of some magazines sitting on Jake's desk. I pivot in the desk chair, pick one of the magazines, and turn back.

"Some time between Oliver say 'Naz' and 'wants you.'" Liam steps out of Jake's closet with two suits on hangers. He holds them against Jake's chest and looks between the two suits.

"I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten," Jake responds.

"Guys focus," I say. "We have thirty minutes before the fall formal starts, Liam still has yet to fill us in on all the details, and Jake still has to get dressed."

Liam picks a navy black tux and sets it down on Jake's bed.

"The theme is Mount Olympus. Ariel picked it since she thought Enchanted Forest was overrated," Liam alternates holding a black dress shirt and white dress shirt against Jake's chest. He settles for the black shirt and steps back into Jake's closet.

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