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February 9, 2020

I stare blankly at the rim of my water glass, considering everything that could have gone wrong. We are at Serena's favorite restaurant, the one with the open windows that let the sun be lighting throughout the entire day and serves some of the best vegetarian/vegan meals throughout the city. At night, the city streets are lit with headlights and traffic lights more than they are with the lamp posts. The restaurant is dim with yellow lights to create a cozier and romantic feel in contrast to its food.

I can't deny that the food is delicious, but I wish I could say the same for the pricing and serving size. I guess that more stems from my mom being Mexican-American. With her family, it's always about having large portions to feed immediate and extended family. Rice, beans, and tortillas are inexpensive, and the only thing we tend to splurge a little extra on is the quality of meat.

But I can overlook the price and serving size because Serena loves this place, and I love her. That is enough for me. We're sitting at her favorite table too-- right near the window. She says she likes the idea of showing every passerby of the great love we have.

We had.

It isn't until then that I snap myself out my thoughts that I note the condensed water sluggishly gliding toward the stem of the glass. I lift my head and turn my focus to the woman across from me. I slide my hand over to reach hers, but she removes it from the table to cross her arms. She frustratingly sighs and looks toward the ground. I furrow my eyebrows.

"The least you could do is tell me why you're leaving me," I snap.

"Just personal reasons," she shrugs. She doesn't dare look me in the eyes.

The waiter comes by to ask if everything is okay. When I don't say anything, Serena nods and sends him off.

"All I have ever done is try to make this work. I tried to get along with your friends, I tried to move around practice to see you, and I tried to adapt to your lifestyle. You could at least tell me why," I whisper. If I were any louder, people at the surrounding tables would hear me.

Serena's quiet. Expression blank as if shuffling through her potential responses-- anything that doesn't actually answer my question. "I didn't ask you to sacrifice anything for me. That was your choice."

Typical S.

"A decision I made because I love you."

"You mistake comfort for love. We've fallen into this comfortable routine with each other, and it feels like settling. I don't want that for either one of us."

As much as I hate to admit it, there must be some truth to her words, or else the rising anger wouldn't be working up a storm in my chest. My anger wants out, but I know better than to cause a scene that might end up on some popular tabloid.

Serena uncrosses her arms to reach out for my hand, but this time, I am the one who pulls away.

"You need someone to meet you halfway. Someone who will watch football games with you, who won't mind hanging around you and your friends. Someone who could do all that I couldn't, to make you happy." She has the nerve to shoot a smile at me.

"I can't believe you." I huff a laugh. "I don't believe you. I don't believe any of this."

"What part of this don't you believe?"

"That this is for us," I answer. "Do you know why? Because if you felt like our relationship was on a decline, you would have said it. You've always been so vocal about every one of your thoughts and opinions. And if you loved me, you would have saved it."

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