31 - The Selfish Act

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"No, he isn't my lightning thief," I say. "That would imply he has a much bigger role in my story than he actually does."

I pay more attention to the decor on our way out. Faux columns bring out Greek architecture, twelve tables that seat ten people each. Many of the attendees wear one of the Laurel wreaths provided at the entrance. There are seat lounging areas under the balcony divided by white sheer curtains that definitely make you feel like someone might come to fan you as someone else feeds you grapes while you sit on one of those white couches.

We draw a few eyes on us which makes me a little nervous. I guess a pair of non-prescription glasses, styling my hair differently, and removing my stubble isn't enough to hide the fact that I'm standing next to Liam. And it's not like I could tell him to disguise himself for no apparent reason. Although, now that I think of it I'm sure if I did ask he probably wouldn't have questioned it.

As we walk toward the front entrance, there are six of Ariel's sorority sisters talking about her.

"She just has so much going on, I don't blame Ariel for taking a semester leave," one says.

"Did you know she was on semester leave," Liam whispers.

I shake my head. She'd mentioned being on track to finish school early, but never mentioned a plan to take a semester leave. Besides, it's the middle of October. And I clearly remember seeing her work on an assignment the night I went over to see her.

"Ariel wasn't planning on coming, but I begged her to come see how her last planned event would turn out," another one of her sorority sisters says.

The conversation comes to a stop when they see us, but soon direct their attention behind us.

"Oliver," Ariel acknowledges. "Hey Liam."

My eyes glaze over her dress. The spaghetti straps supporting the low V-neckline works well with her smaller bust and cleavage gap. The A-line silhouette accentuates her waist. The slit is a treasured surprise, giving me a peek at her in-shape legs.

Liam waves at her. "Take your time. I'll make myself busy. Or I'll get the car."

I nod. Ariel and I step back inside and she leads me up the stairs to the balcony.

"Did you take a semester leave?" And I saw you, I wanted to say. Dancing with a snake in the shape of a man I loathe. Instead, I follow up with: "It makes sense. There's no way you could do football and school at the same time. It's why most players don't finish their degree."

"I didn't. That's just what I told my sisters so they didn't worry why I'm not around as much. I'm part-time. Just online."

"Doesn't it get hard to be the girl who does everything?"

"All the time." Her voice rasps as she switches to a whisper. "What are you doing here anyway?" She crosses her arms as if they'll serve as some sort of barrier between us. All I want to do is uncross her arms and drape them around my torso as I lean my cheek on her head. The word bold rings my ears, but when I reach for her, she takes a step back. Her eyes glance down the hall at a trio not-so-subtly looking our way.

"Isn't it obvious?" With a weak smile, I lean over the balcony railing and scout the ground floor for Naz and Jake. "Jake knows. He-- well-- I had him look into your brother."

"You what?" This breaks the crossed-arms barrier between us. Now she's close enough for me to kiss, but doing so would be like poking a sleeping bear.

"It was before I knew about you. I suspected something was off with your brother. So social at all our events, but so quiet at practice. We kept thinking Batman could take disappearing lessons from him-- well you. Jake was studying Criminology to become a P.I. as a backup to playing football. And I'd forgotten to ask him to stop looking into you-- well your brother."

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