4 - BU's Pro-Day

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March 21, 2020

Naz, Hera, and I are in our backyard taking pictures. We set up one of dad's big camping tents and filled it with pillows and blankets. We hang LED lights on the inside. All goes well the first thirty minutes.

"Ollie!" Hera yells.

The camera is as high as my arms could hold it over our heads. "I said no," I groan.

"Why can't we take some of you?" Naz asks. Naz puts her hand on my face and pushes my head back to keep me off balance.

"I don't like being in front of the camera."

"Oh, bullshit! Says the guy who has posed for the majority of his endorsements." Hera says. "Including Dunkin Donuts and Calvin Klein."

"That's different, and you know it," I say. "You're worse than parents on the night of a high school dance."

"What's with the yelling? We hear Ally's voice. Our eldest sister arrives with her fiancé Ethan beside her. They always manage to look like they've come off some runway-- fashion or airport.

"Oliver won't let us take pictures of him," Naz says.

"Leave him alone," Ally says. She and Ethan step out to the yard. Like scolded children, Hera and Naz quit trying to take the camera away from me, so I bring my hands down.

"Oliver," Ethan says. He extends his hand out for me to shake.

"Ethan," I say. I take his hand, shake then take him into an embrace.

When we let go, Ally hugs me tight around the waist. The top of her head levels with my shoulder. Yes, our eldest is also the shortest of the bunch. Hera pokes fun and says the shorter the girl, the closer she is to hell. Ally always looks back at Hera and says: "I'm taking you with me."

"Hey man, I was going to ask if you had anything to do next weekend?" Ethan asks.

"I'd have to check with my agent." I whip my head to Ally. She gives me a simple thumbs up. "Guess I don't have anything planned. Why?"

"Well, March always seems to be my busiest month," he sighs. "It's Pro-Day at Boston University, and I wanted to ask if you tag along. You know, check out players you think might be a good addition and help me from going insane."

"I mean, I don't see why not," I shrug.

"Maybe you can stop by the library," Naz snickers. I nudge her. "Ow. Careful where you elbow me buttface. You almost hit my boob."

She elbows my ribcage.

"What happened at the library?" Hera asks.


Naz begins to answer: "He bumped into this girl--"

"She bumped into me," I clarify.

"You knocked over her books."

My older sisters turn to Naz as a devious smile creeps across their faces. Hera and Ally throw their arms around Naz and walk toward the tent, leaving Ethan and me behind.

"Do you want a beer?" I ask.

>> >> << <<

Ethan and I arrive at Boston University around 11 in the morning. Most of the players are barely getting out on the field when we take our seats in the bleachers. Some players subtly look our way, trying to see if we are paying attention to them.

The winter disguises me in a beanie and a scarf. As usual, Ethan looks more official wearing his signature navy dress coat with his clipboard and iPad in hand.

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