37 - Happy Birthday

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Cupping her face, I close the distance between us. My hands grip her waist, pulling her closer to me. Ariel breaks our kiss to let gasp out. We lock eyes. She cringes and laughs.

"I'm sorry, it's been a while."

A laugh ruptures my throat. "I would hope so. It certainly has been for me."

She throws her head back and laughs. Without wasting a second, my grip on her waist tightens, I shift my hips, and my mouth lands right at the bottom of her throat. My hands trail down to her ass, giving a slow and firm grasp. Suddenly, Ariel isn't laughing anymore.

"Hey." I kiss path up Ariel's throat, veering for her cheek. Ariel's eyes are hazy with hunger. I tuck hair strands behind her ear. "You've done so much, and I'm so proud of you." I peck her lips and kiss her forehead. "But I'm going to take care of you now." I press my lips against her jaw and drag my bottom lip up to her ear. "Soy todo tuyo. Y sí no era obvio, te haré mía."

My hands play with the hem of her shirt before sliding underneath. Ariel does us both the favor and peels the shirt off her back. I unclasp her bra and toss it far from us. My conscience tells me to avert my gaze, but instinct demands every inch of her skin and where all her scars, moles, and birthmarks lie.

Ariel lifts my shirt over my head.

She pulls me into a profound kiss as she slowly rotates her hips. We keep a slow pace, trying not to rush anything. My head is spinning out of control as the overstimulation of mind, body, and soul is triggered. As I physically get harder, it becomes more difficult to remove the image of burying myself deep inside her until she's grasping on to the bedsheets for dear life.

I push my hips into her as I run my mouth over her breast and she whimpers.

"Fuck," I shudder.

With a tight embrace, I lift her up higher, flip us over and gently lay her down against the mattress. Keeping eye contact, I unbutton the top of her jeans. She nods. I come off the bed and take her jeans with me. Her eyes trail down to my sweats that evidently did nothing to hide how fucking hard she makes me.

"Oh," she mutters. She runs her tongue on her bottom lip. "Were you that hard the day you moved in?"

"Yes, but I had jeans on that day."

"That explains a lot." She's running her hand over her breasts.

I slowly make my way back over and hover above her. Her hands transfer to my chest and fingers slide down to the waistband of my sweats. She pulls them down and I finish removing them for her. We don't break our gaze as we slide past each other's undergarments. I try not to lose it when she wraps her hand around my dick. She rubs the tip, running her fingers back and fourth. It's hard not to follow in motion. She firms her grip, releasing a guttural groan. I press my forehead against hers, trying to think of things that will keep me from coming.

"You think you're in control," Ariel snarks. "I have you right around my fingers."

That brings me to an entire halt. I lift my head. A chuckle escapes from my sly smile. "You don't know how much control you have until you've felt the loss of it." I press my lips against her neck, nibbling every bit of skin as one of my fingers slides inside her. I add a second finger, allowing me to turn my hand and rub her clit with my thumb, getting a loud moan out of Ariel. "Atta girl."

Her hands fly overhead, grasping the pillows as she arches her back, pulling herself into my palm. Keeping a constant rhythm, I watch as Ariel's breath becomes more shallow and how her abdomen constricts when I hit just the right spot.

I pull my fingers out and Ariel pouts. Placing my hands on her hips, I yank her to the edge of the bed, spread her legs, kneel before her, and sit her legs over my shoulder. I return working my fingers, but the clit work belongs to my tongue- licking, flicking, sucking.

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