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Late July - Two Months Later

Practice comes to an end and I hit the showers before the rookies have a chance to leave the field. With a towel draped around my neck and my duffle bag slung on my shoulder, I exit the locker room.

The rookies had just finished practice-- evident by the fact that most of them were still standing in their practice gear.

Coach Beau called many of us to come and get a feel for the new players. But today just happens to be a little more special. Some of the rookies are huddled to hear the feedback from the new coach.

"While you all trying to blitz Mr. Know-it-all-"

"Know-it-all?" I place my hand over my heart. "I'm hurt."

"I saw your face when you scored. You read their move. While they were trying to blitz you, you had four seconds to throw it to an open receiver. The people who caused the little blitz should have had double coverage on Jake because he's more likely to catch the impossible pass. Since he was open, you went for it. Nice throw by the way on third down. It really saved you that time." 

"We're just good at what we do," Jake lifts his fist up toward me to fist bump him. When I do, the coach rolls their eyes.

"Well I hope tomorrow's practice will be a very humbling experience for you. Because just as easy it is to rise..."

"...just as easy it is to fall," the players say in unison. With being said, the players disband and head toward the locker rooms.

There are a couple of reporters there with notepads and small recorders in their hands. They seem awfully quiet which means they were probably formulating questions or taking notes.

Coach Beau along with staff of specialized coaches stand before the reporters.

"Thank you all for joining us here today," Coach Beau says. "After our loss earlier this year, it is important to take a step back and take into consideration what will lead our team towards victory. We can get the best players, but we also play against the best. The Bandits coaching staff feel that we couldn't have made a better decision than to make an adjustment to our own team. Without further ado, we'd like to introduce you to our new secondary coach -- responsible for coaching defensive backs, including safeties and cornerbacks-- Ariel Herrera."

Ariel comes forward dressed in tight black joggers and Bandits windbreaker. Her wavy hair brushes the bottom of her jaw-- something she had done for this big change in lifestyle.

"Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity," Ariel says. "I look forward to working with my home team, being part of this family, and seeing many victories in our future."

With an award-winning smile, she looks my way before turning her attention to the reporters who are now raising questions.

"If only Luke and Liam were here," Jake says.

I can see Ariel gushing over all the guys congratulating her and the questions the reporters are asking-- and every now and then turning to look at me. I'm sure most of the questions will be about her working in a male dominated industry, but some of them might be asking about us and professionalism. It's nothing she can't handle.

I really am the Jackie Kennedy to her JFK.

"I'm sure Liam would say something like-- 'I can see the headlines now Ariel and the Bandits'."

Jake smiles. "It has a nice ring to it."

I nod. I wait for Ariel in the parking lot-- away from the reporters and the rest of the players.

She breaks into a tired smile and hugs me. "I don't know which day was more nerve-wracking. My first day as a rookie player or as a rookie coach."

"I'm still waiting for you to get out on the field so that they have to defend against you."

The thought of seeing my girlfriend outrun most of these players in a sports bra and leggings is getting me all kinds of hot. Also makes me very proud.

We get inside my car and head towards my place. The drive is calm and mostly contains Ariel and I singing along to the radio. Just as we pull up into the driveway, my phone starts to ring and the screen displays Liam's contact photo.

I park and pick up the call. "Hell--"

"Oliver." Liam is alarmed. Or panicked.

"I'm here. Is everything okay?"

Ariel raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Uh. Everything's fine. It's just me. I mean. Well maybe not just me..." His mind seems to be on something else.

"Liam, focus man. What's going on?"

"Well you know how I came to Chicago for that college friend bachelor party and wedding?"


"Well, I met up with your cousin Babs for some coffee. And... I'm in a bit of a dilemma here."

I look at Ariel who curiously waits to piece the conversation from my words. Except Liam brought up Babs. There's no right way to respond to a sentence including the words Babs and dilemma. As a response to my hesitant look, Ariel holds my hand and smiles. I sigh. I turn the engine back on and put the car in reverse.

"Ariel and I will be in Chicago in three hours."


Thank you all for the kindness and support you have given me! It still amazes me how great complete strangers can be. I can't believe I get to say this is a finished work! But if you're thinking-- Andrea wait you can't end things like this! Then I'd say think of this ending as a new beginning.

My next WIP is titled The Four F's. This story's foundation comes from the very first story I ever wrote and put on Wattpad so I am very excited to flush out the idea 14-year-old me had into a much more developed story.

And who knows? Maybe we'll hear more about Liam and his little dilemma in the future.

Until next time ;)

- Andrea

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