20 - The Happy Period

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A/N: Hello! I had every intention of updating on a consistent basis, but chapters like these tend to take a little longer since I want to actually like the work I put for others to read. Please let me know what you think, as your feedback helps me grow as a writer! 


 There's a knock on my door.

Jake cocks an eyebrow. "Expecting someone?"

I shake my head. When I open the door, Ariel stands with a blue and white paper bag marked Culver's in front of her face. She lowers it and exposes her sheepish smile. "Surprise."

I place my hand on the top of the bag and further lower it. I am confused, surprised, and quite excited. I yank Ariel into the bedroom. My arms tightly wrap her waist as I lift her off the ground and spin her around.

"What are you doing here?"

"It was implied when I said surprise." The curves of her smile fight to hide the tiredness of her eyes. Her eyes shift to Jake. "Hey, Jake."

"Hello," he responds.

I rub the side of my face. "You didn't have to come all this way."

"I know," Ariel shrugs. "I thought it'd be a nice touch. Besides, you have less popularity here than back at home, so the paparazzi aren't swarming around here."

"True," I say. "I was confused as to why your brother had your phone."

Ariel laughs. "Yeah, he told me what happened. He's not very good at lying and would have ruined my surprise. My skirt doesn't have any pockets, so I gave him my phone and forgot to get it back before the game."

My eyes flicker to her blue plaid skirt. "Aside from its lack of pockets, it's a really nice skirt. The slit gives it a nineties vibe."

"I'm sure that's exactly what you wanted to say," Jake scoffs. He keeps his eyes on the ceiling as I glare at him. I could compliment Ariel's physique, but the way she smiles down at her skirt tells me my compliment is the better choice.

Ariel crosses her arms. "So Jake, how are things with Naz?"

"That's my cue." Jake walks over to the door. "Liam would be disappointed if I didn't say this--" he opens the door-- "The walls are thin so--"

I grab a pillow off the couch and chuck it at Jake. It manages to hit him on the way out.

"Nice shot," Ariel says.

"I'd hope I would be. Throwing is kinda my thing."

Ariel and I take a seat at the breakfast table as she reveals everything she ordered from Culver's. She tucks her hair behind her ears and rolls up her sleeves before picking up her chicken sandwich.

Once we finish eating, we move over to the couch and turn on the TV. Ariel cozies up beside me, leaning her head against my chest. My arm is draped down her back with my hand resting on her hip.

"So, how did you hear about Culver's, or why did you choose to grab food from there?"

"Luke mentioned it," Ariel answers. "The last time I saw your friends, Luke and Charlotte were talking about how they missed the flavor of the day at Culver's and then got into a debate over what flavor is better: Double Marshmallow Oreo or Raspberry Cheesecake."

"Did they decide which one?"

"Agreed to disagree. Unfortunately, I didn't get any dessert. Had a feeling it would melt."

My heart rapidly races as the idea that I could have stripped her naked, dripped any flavor of ice cream on her until she's got her hands locked in my hair and her thighs on my shoulders crosses my mind.

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