11 - I Think I Love You

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I go into my closet and decide to wear slim dark wash jeans with a white untucked dress shirt with a denim jacket. I stand in front of the mirror and smile, slowly running my hand through my hair-- pushing it upwards as usual.

I sit on my bed to put on a pair of black cap-toe bluchers. Hera barges in, stands at the doorway, and throws a low drop-down whistle.

"Looking snazzy, Oliver. Dress to impress much?" She winks.

"Shut up," I grab one of my pillows and accurately chuck it at her.

Hera picks up the pillow, walks over to me, and smacks me in the stomach. I get a hold of her arms and pull her down to the bed. She lets out a small scream followed by a laugh. She sinks her nails into my forearms, causing me to let go. I begin to pinch her cheeks, and she pushes my face away with her hand. I lick it, causing her to move her hand, then smacking me with my saliva.

"Hey have you guys seen-" We stop mid-battle and look up to our younger sister. Naz's warm brown hair folds in curls, and her velvet black dress highlights her figure. I give off a wolf whistle. Naz rolls her eyes. "What are you two doing?"

"Nothing." Hera and I answer.

"Well if it's nothing, then do something productive. We're leaving in ten minutes." Naz eyes my outfit and shakes her head. "Hera help him." She walks out of the room. I get up and help Hera up as well.

I walk back over to my closet and ponder on what I should put on. Hera stands next to me.

"She didn't even tell us what she was looking for." Hera mumbles. She hands me a white Cuban collared shirt, slim fit dark gray slacks, and my most beat-down dress boots to change into.

"Did you see what she was wearing?" I ask. "I don't doubt she's going to make one hell of an impression."

As if on cue, the doorbell rings. Hera and I lock eyes. She looks at me as if she knows who is at the door.

"Jake's going?"

I nod. We run towards the door. Naz pops her head out of her room as she watches Hera run behind me and down the stairs. I reach the door handle as they watch from the steps. I look at them with victory as I open the door. Their glances shift from me to the wide-open door.

"Hey man," I take him into a hug. He pats my back and steps inside. I shut the door behind him. "You look snazzy."

He looks down at his outfit as if he's trying to remember what he put on. It's a short sleeve, floral print, button-up with black pants. He even rolled up the sleeves a bit so it sits right in the curve above his biceps.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Hera picked it out for me," I mention. "Because according to Naz, I don't know how to dress myself."

Jake presses his lips into a thin line to hide his smile. "Were you going to stick to your comfort zone with one of your many denim jackets?"

"I own seven, and they're all different."

He rolls his eyes. "So, is Liam meeting us there or?"

I shake my head. "It's Talia's birthday tomorrow, so Liam and his mom are putting together some decorations and stuff."

"Did he not want help?"

"You know Liam," I sigh. "Besides, he mentioned his mom's friend was helping them out."

The clatter of Naz's heels against the wooden floorboards of the stairs turns our attention.

My eyes can help but side glance at Jake. His expression changes. I feel like a scene from a cheesy high school movie is playing before me.

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