15 - Happy Birthday Oliver Park!

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Liam and I pick up Liam's mom Suzanne and sister Talia to head over to my parents' house for brunch. Talia and I sit in the back of Liam's car as she fills me in on the drama happening at her school.

"I didn't like Arnie touching me," Talia says. "And he wouldn't stop when I told him to stop, and Liam said if that ever happened to hit a boy where it hurts. And I did. And then Arnie started crying. And then the substitute started yelling at me for doing that. She said: "Talia, didn't your parents teach you any manners?" and other things like "You should know better than to put your hands on someone like that." And then I started to cry because that's what happened to me and she wouldn't let me tell her. She made me walk Arnie to the nurse's office. Arnie and I said our sorrys on our way there and agreed she really was mean. She made my friend Michael cry just because it takes him a little longer to finish his math than everyone else."

"Michael has Dyscalculia," Suzanne comments.

"Jesus Christ, that is one mean substitute," I say. How does one address this story? My instinct is to tell Talia she's a bad bitch, she did the right thing, and I'm proud-- but Suzanne might not approve. "What happened then?"

"Liam and Mom got called and went to my school," Talia answers. "It was epic."

I look at Liam and Suzanne, who don't dare react. It only makes me want to know more about what happened. I lean forward, hovering over the right side of Liam. "Dude, you know you have to tell me, right?"

He laughs. "It was one of the few appropriate Karen moments my mom had."

"Don't say it like that," his mom groans. "That makes me sound like I do the Karen thing frequently and that I don't do it in the proper situations."

"And what would be the proper situations, mother?" Liam asks.

"Dealing with your healthcare or dealing with another Karen. You Karen the Karen."

"Yes, it cancels out like PEMDAS," Liam adds.

"I learned that!" Talia says.

"In conclusion," Liam says. "That substitute will never sub at Talia's school again."

"Oh man, if you should have told my mom. She would have helped you make sure that woman never teaches in the district again."

Suzanne looks back at me. "I'm mad that I didn't think of that. I mean, I guess I can bring it up to her since it just happened this week."

"What?" I turn to Talia. "And you're just telling me this now? Who do we have to fight to make sure nobody messes with you?"

"Can you teach me how to fight too?" Talia giggles.

"Of course! But you have to promise me that when you learn to fight, you'll be responsible with your new skills. They're like superpowers."

Talia nods vigorously. "I promise."

Suzanne gives me a nod of approval. When we pull into my family's driveway and get out of the car, Suzanne and Talia walk ahead.

"Hey Li, when Tal said that kid wouldn't stop touching her--"

"He was in the middle of a game of tag and kept poking her in the shoulder to tag her even though she wasn't even part of the game," Liam answers. He looks back at his mom and Talia standing at the door. "When the substitute asked about our parents... It made Talia a little curious about our dad."

His words send chills down my spine. Mentioning Liam's dad is as much of a taboo as alcohol is in his household.

"She's asked about the scars on my upper arms," Liam adds. "But I don't think my mom is ready to tell her about what happened yet. I'm afraid if she doesn't, Talia will want to get to know him."

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