chapter twenty-six

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"Thanks for taking me home on such short notice, I didn't think my parents were going to do something like this," I said as I began to unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my things.

"It's okay, it sounded emergent so I'm more worried than I am upset, if anything," Soyeon said, taking her sunglasses off and looking at me up and down. "You really do look cute in that uniform."

"I'm wearing fucking khakis," I chuckled in embarrassment.

Soyeon leaned in to kiss me, "Bye."

I got out of her convertible and shut the door behind me, "Drive safe."

As she pulled out of my driveway, I trudged up to my house and entered the key-code in the door lazily. I dropped my school bag on the floor and shouted into the void, "Where is this meeting being held?"

"In here!" I heard my mother shout from my father's office. I walked down one of the long-and-winding halls of my home until I reached my dad's office. I saw Soojin and Chenghan seated next to an empty chair in front of my dad's desk with my parents seated behind it.

I approached the open chair apprehensively and sat down,"What's up, guys?"

"Chinyung and I have something that we'd like to talk to you guys about," My mom said to the three of us.

I felt myself become red in the face, "What's this about?"

My mother turned my father's computer monitor around and began to play a silent video of Soojin and I making out while I was seated on top of our island table, shirtless. My brother slapped his hand to his face in shock when he realized what he was looking at, meanwhile Soojin and I were completely mortified.

My mother turned the monitor away from us and looked at Soojin and I in disapproval. "Do you have anything to say for yourselves?"

"What the fuck.." Chenghan whispered to himself and shook his head. I couldn't help but feel guilty about not having told him anything about her and I's strange friendship.

"This kind of behavior is not okay," My mother said, scolding the two of us. "I don't even know what to say to you both right now. This is so far beyond inappropriate, I can't even believe it."

"Mom, I am so sorry-,"

My mother cut me off, "You think an apology is going to fix this? Honey, what do you have to say about all of this?"

My dad looked at the two of us and then back at her, "I don't really care."

My mother stared at him in disbelief meanwhile Chenghan, Soojin, and I burst into immature giggles and laughs.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" My mom stood up in her chair. "Do you know how embarrassed I feel right now?"

My father dismissed her, "Annette, they're teenagers. What do you expect?"

My mother was baffled, "I expect them not to do this in our kitchen, at the very least!"

"I think you're over-reacting," My father said to her, standing up. "Come to think of it, I'm not even sure why we're having this conversation right now. This is none of our business."

"It is absolutely our business!" My mother exclaimed. "This is our daughter and the girl we invited to live in our home!"

"Okay, and?" My dad scoffed. "This isn't a big deal."

Chenghan stood up, "Mom, I get that you're on some kind of ego-trip right now so you wanted to embarrass them, but you did not have to subject me to looking at that. That was none of my business and I didn't ask to see that, either. I have homework to be working on, for fucks' sake. This is ridiculous."

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