chapter thirty-seven

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"I am so tired of forgetting to put on perfume in the morning," Aurora whined. "It's just that whenever I've taken perfumes to school with me in the past in my bag, they always find a way to leak out all over stuff. What's up with that?"

"At least you don't smell bad, like. In general," Sage shrugged, scrolling through her phone.

"Just the perfume in your locker," Oliver suggested.

"Contrary to popular belief I actually have a brain so my locker's too filled with fucking textbooks and papers," Aurora rolled her eyes. "God, not only am I dead inside but I can't even manage to organize my locker."

Liam laughed at her, "Pick a struggle."

I looked up from my AP Bio work, "Get one of those magnetic organizer thingies and put the perfume in there. Just don't spray it out in the halls and shit, though. One time last year during passing period, I was on my way to one of my classes and Elizabeth Zimmerman is at her locker, right? All it took was one spritz to the neck and all hell broke loose."

"Oh my god, what happened?" Liam asked.

"You guys know how David Benton is basically allergic to everything?" I grinned.

"Oh, no fucking way," Sage clapped her hands together once. "You're kidding."

"Was it like Nagasaki?" Oliver grinned.

"He sneezed on her four times and she just lost it on him screaming in his face. It caused this massive holdup and a few teachers ended up having to separate them. It was the weirdest shit I've ever witnessed in school and I'm so glad I finally had the opportunity to share that story because it's been weighing heavy on me ever since then."

"Oh my god, that's ridiculous," Aurora snorted.

"Beth would freak out over getting sneezed on. God, I can't fucking stand her," Sage chuckled.

"I'm actually applauding him in my head right now," Liam said.

"You guys are so weird," Oliver shook his head. "I thought we were using our spare to study, not gossip."

"You love gossip but only when

"I do not," Oliver scoffed softly.

"You do when it's about people you don't like," I nudged his shoulder with a smile.

Oliver gave in, "Yeah, I do."

"Do you guys remember a few months when we were all up until four in the morning talking shit about Sammy and Emma?" Sage chuckled and pointed at Oliver, "You were making memes out of their pictures together. You're no better than the rest of us."

"God, we're all miserable people," Liam laughed.

"We really are," I laughed with him.

"So, how are things with you and Soyeon? Or Soojin? Which one is it? I can't remember," Liam joked.

I took a bite out of the apple I had from my lunchbox and spoke as I chewed, "You're an asshole, you know that?"

"We're all curious," Liam smirked at me.

Aurora leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Don't say anything. Two of the five people at this table are in love with you."

"What, are you one of them?" I joked to her quietly, causing the both of us to giggle like children and confusing everyone else at the table.

"They are so fucking weird," Oliver chuckled.

"So, are you gonna tell us who you've picked?" Liam grinned, rubbing his hands together.

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